October is “Minister Appreciation Month” and over the next few weeks I would like to share a few posts with you regarding minister and encouraging your minister. Many times, it is difficult to understand ministry because of the aspects of ministry which are cannot be shared and without walking in a ministers shoes. Let us all, ministers included, seek to encourage the ministers we know.
Appreciation is a powerful word when it comes to certain professions. Appreciation brings a boost of self-esteem and also the ability for someone else to admire the work you do. When it comes to preaching, many ministers avoid the describing the ins and outs of their career choice because they do not want to boast about their lifestyle. While many professions come with an 8 to 5 workday, the ministry is a continuous, 24/7 effort. The phone rings at 3:00 pm just like it might ring at 3:00 am. There are some who think the ministry only occurs on Sunday and possibly a Wednesday night, but they are sadly mistaken. Preaching is a daunting task not fit for everyone, not encouraged for everyone and not everyone will make it through.
Below are a few ways you can encourage and show your minister you truly appreciate his work.
34 Ways to Encourage Your Minister
- Pray for him every day!
- Give him a gift card to his favorite restaurant.
- Send him an anonymous card letting him know what you appreciate about him and do not sign it.
- Babysit or offer to pay for a babysitter so he and his wife and have a free night.
- Donate to a mission effort in his name.
- Send his family a basket of flowers.
- Get him a magazine subscription for his favorite magazine.
- Go visiting with him.
- Donate to his retirement fund.
- Give his children “happy meal money.”
- Mow his grass.
- Give him tickets to a sporting event or a concert.
- Give his family a weekend trip out of the city.
- Buy him a suit.
- Take he and his family out to dinner
- Donate to his children’s college fund.
- Landscape his yard.
- Do not wait until he is offered another position to give him a raise.
- Stay awake during his lesson.
- Buy him lunch and have it sent to his office.
- Get a book he enjoys reading and mail it to his house anonymously.
- Provide an end of the year bonus.
- Give him a sabbatical. (Sabbatical – a specified amount of time off to refresh and relax.)
- Buy him a car (Yes, I know a congregation who bought the minister a car. The last time I was talking to him, he was still driving it with well over 100,000 miles.)
- Let his wife know what a good man he is.
- Make the minister and his family a homemade gift and present it to them.
- Be patient as he grows.
- Never call his children “Preacher’s Kids.”
- Take him fishing/hunting. (If you take him hunting, be sure to bring him back.)
- Buy him a set of gift cards to his favorite coffee shop.
- Call him just to say you appreciate his efforts.
- Stop complaining about the length his lessons and tell him how much you learned.
- Do not wait until he is gone to appreciate him.
- Send him to lectureships and let him “get fed” instead of him doing all the “feeding.”
Just some thoughts,
Recognized this post? This article is a previous post on the Preacher’s Pen and has been brought back, revised and reposted on the new website format. It is my hope and prayer, these posts are bringing you some thoughts to motivate and inspire you to greater service.