Another day, another stolen Facebook identity.

Friends, lock down your Facebook.

The world of identity theft is growing rapidly, because people are trying to find easier and more efficient ways to become a criminal. There are those who sit at home and do nothing more than find ways to hack someone’s account. (I say bring back tar and feathering for these people, but that is another topic).

Recently, after a large number of people having their Facebook accounts hacked, I decided to lock down my Facebook account as much as possible to prevent craziness from effecting my friends. Doing caused a brief moment of frustration because sharing my posts became a problem because they were “private.” While this caused some delay, it brought a greater sense of security. Then it happened…another friend request from an already friended friend.

Friends, I encourage you to lock down your Facebook. Spend time looking at your security settings so you are not allowing or even opening the door to have your account hacked. Use common sense when adding people to your friends list. A rule I use is to not add friends for a week once I have received the request. This gives me time to think about whether or not they are a friend or a number on a list.

Regarding Facebook Messenger, some messages of people you are not friends with fall into the Message Request category. When I go through the message request category, I am very cautious on what I read or even open. Normally, I clear them out. Be wary about clicking links in Messenger, or any links, because you never know where you will end up.

As you seek greater security for your Facebook account, remember to do the same for your spouse and your children. Share this article with others and let them know you want them to be safe as well.

There are some links and information below to consider regarding Facebook and Security.

Consider reading this short article and making changes – How Do Facebook Hacks Lead to Identity Theft (ITRC)

A few resources to read:

Just some thoughts,


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