A preacher’s faithfulness to the Word is not based on…

  • His age
  • The number of sermons he has preached
  • The size of the congregation where he preaches
  • How many gospel meetings he has held
  • Whether the congregation was growing or not
  • Whether he lives in the Bible Belt or not
  • Whether he a married, single or even divorced

It is time congregations wake up and see the character of the man and not the external numbers of human thought. We, the church, are losing good men because our human eyes have taken the place of God’s grace. Hiring committees and churches forget men like Nehemiah, Jeremiah, Hosea, Peter, Andrew and Paul. Instead they focus is on what other preachers and congregations are doing, instead of what Paul told Timothy. Their focus continues to what type of building and who can be brought to it. I hate to break it to you, but God’s Heaven is big enough for all of us, focus on get people to His heaven, not your building.

It is time we wake up and see that God’s view of faithfulness in preaching could very well be the one we do not possess. It is time to change the glasses and see our brethren from heaven’s eyes.

Just my thoughts,


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