How many people to you affect a day?

Do you know?

Remember from our previous encouragements that you affect the lives of others each day. It might be a small impact, but it makes a difference.

This morning I stopped by Panera Bread to get a cup of coffee, and when I pulled to the window, the server handed my coffee to me with a smile and said, “Have a blessed day.” The voice tone fit the words, and the smile was genuine; that slight gesture made an impact.

If you do not think that gesture made an impact, remember, you are reading about it. It made an impact.

For most of us, our lives are on autopilot. We may not know the impact we have on others. Regarding the example above, did I remember to say thank you when I went through the drive-through? I did. Each of us must be conscious of the small actions that make a big difference. It seems for some; they are not always conscious of the impression they are making.

Having self-awareness of our actions towards others is an essential step in learning to maximize our impact and to make doing great things possible – no matter somewhere we are.

Allow me to share a few ways you may already make an impression. These might be a few ways you have not considered yet, but they serve as a reminder.

(1) Influencing Others – People observe our behavior and listen to what we say. Through our actions and words, we are affecting those around us in ways we may not have considered. Your encouragement and positive comments can affect the lives of the people around you.

(2) Providing Acts of Service – Doing things for others is part of being a member of a family, a church, a community, or just being a friend. We may not realize how much our acts of service impact others’ lives until we hear about it later or see the results. Helping someone in a time of need or being a dependable person, who others can count on, is not only admirable, but it builds trust and boosts self-esteem for those we serve.

(3) Providing Solutions – People are looking for solutions. Everyone can find a problem, but very few will offer a proper solution. Are you the “Answer Man” in your circle of influence? Do you like solving problems and finding a way through when things seem stuck? As a problem-solver, you can be a great resource to those who feel stuck in a situation. You can offer them a light at the end of the tunnel or just show them the proper way to go. Providing a solution can assist others in becoming successful.

(4) Providing Peace – Are you able to be the calm in the storm? Are you a comforter? Some people can create peace and comfort for others amid life’s storms? Providing peace for people when they are feeling out of sorts is a meaningful way to help others. People like having someone trustworthy to lean on in a time of need. Having a trusted friend in a time of trouble makes an unsurpassed impact on a person’s wellbeing.

These are only a few of the ways to remind you how you can make a positive impact on others. I am sure there are countless other areas you can think of that make an impact.

What other ways can you think of that help to make a positive impact on others? I am sure you are doing some right now and they are not only having an immediate impact, but a lasting impact.

Have you ever looked back and wondered about your impact?

Something to think about and an action to try

One of the best ways to reflect on your influence is through record keeping. I am not saying that you must record every moment, but a reflection upon your activities provides for a lasting look.

A great way to reflect on our influence is through journaling.

Journaling is something many look at in different ways. Some will journal every day and keep more like a diary. Others will use journaling to store ideas and thoughts for later reflection. Either way, trying it may help to keep you encouraged as you reflect upon your influence.

Try this for two weeks – Journal your activities for two weeks and keep track of the ways you are affecting the people in your life. While two weeks may not be a long time, it might open your eyes to the achievements you make each day.

When you reflect upon on your journal, you will notice your habits. So, be sure to watch each habit for the evidence of your daily impact.

Record your events during the day and see what influence you have on others.

Did you notice someone smile back at you today?

Did you encourage someone today?

What activities do you take part in weekly to better yourself and others?

How much does your presence contribute to their success?

Remember, sometimes you may not notice the influence you have because you are so focused on living, but be more conscious of your actions, and you will see a significant impact. I believe it is important to remember that you are making an impact every day. When you remember that and add some deliberate intent, you can realize your impact and learn to recognize its value.

What will you do today? What impact will you make on those around you?

To your success,

Signature File



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