Have you ever heard of the “compound effect?”

This effect has been around for decades and is misunderstood by many. However, when it is understood, it is power.

So, let’s dive into the theory behind the compound effect and see how it can help you realize the power of one.

First, let’s begin with a question: Did you know that investing a small amount of money in the bank at a young age could make you a millionaire by middle age?

If you didn’t, then you need to know more about the compounding effect. Through the power of compounding interest, your initial investment can eventually give you a return that far exceeds what you first put into it. The initial investment does not have to be large.

Did you know that making a difference is the same?

Even though your contributions might be small and consistent, they have a compounding effect that surpasses your initial effort to make a lasting and meaningful impact.

Let’s look at some people who took a step in faith and in service to others to create a legacy that we enjoy today:

Eunice Kennedy Shriver was the founder of the Special Olympics. It began in 1962 as a backyard summer camp for people with intellectual disabilities. Now, that backyard summer camp is a global movement. Eunice Shriver’s small contribution compounded over time to surpass her expectations and even her lifetime. Today, the foundation is over fifty years old and has touched the lives of thousands and thousands over multiple generations.

Dr. Gory Klatt wanted to raise awareness and funds for a local cancer charity. So, in 1985, he walked a track for 24 hours continuously. He raised over $27,000.00 and the awareness of the need for cancer support. Since Dr. Klatt’s initial fundraiser, Relay for Life has become the largest fundraising event for cancer in the world. Currently, over 4 million people in 20 countries celebrate Relay for Life.

At some point, two people who had a passion for life and wanted to assist others, acted in a tiny way and their actions sparked interest and support with others. Their actions compounded so much that foundations were born. These foundations have employed people, served people, and constantly fill a need throughout the world.

Isn’t that amazing?

How about a few more people to consider?

Ever heard of Ray Kroc? Though he wasn’t the founder of McDonald’s, he brought the genius to the table that catapulted that small hamburger stand into a franchise that has served billions and billions since the 1950s. The name, “McDonalds,” is known in all parts of the world.

Or how about Colonel Sanders? He founded Kentucky Fried Chicken with one recipe and changed the industry. The hard work of that one man with his one recipe grew exponentially (the compound effect) until the KFC brand was known worldwide as “finger-lickin’ good.”

As you can see, small, consistent actions matter. Those consistent actions will grow benefits to reach to the ages.

Now that you understand a little about the compound effect, what actions will you begin today?

Just some thoughts,

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