Lisa Brennan-Jobs is the daughter of Apple’s famed founder, the late Steve Jobs (1955-2011).  She recently wrote about her final visit with the father from whom she was often estranged.  About a month before he died from pancreatic cancer at the age of 56, Lisa heard words of regret spill from the emaciated, dying icon.

He told her, “I didn’t spend enough time with you when you were little.  I wish we’d had more time.”  She told him it was fine, but he replied, “No, it’s not okay.  I didn’t spend enough time with you.  I should have spent the time.  Now it’s too late.”  He looked into her eyes, teared up, and then said, “I owe you one.”

During their final weekend together, he repeated that phrase over and over, “I owe you one.”  Sadly, regrets often leave us with an overwhelming sense of impossible indebtedness.

Have you read of Peter’s regret? Remember Luke 22.61-62 – “And the Lord turned and looked at Peter.  And Peter remembered the saying of the Lord, how he had said to him, ‘Before the rooster crows today, you will deny Me three times.’  And he went out and wept bitterly.”

Peter’s regret for his decision did not mean he stopped living. In a few short weeks, it would be Peter’s words to echo throughout all time on the day of Pentecost.

Do you have any regrets?

If so, are you letting your spiritual regrets stopping you from knowing Jesus? Peter didn’t. Even though he made a mistake, he knew there was much more in store for his life because of Christ.

Just a thought,

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