Do you check prices when you go grocery shopping? Do you read the sales to be sure the “deal” you are getting is a “deal?”
In 50 Secrets Your Grocer Won’t Tell You, Jeff Weidauer revealed that the 10-for-$10 is one of the most effective promotions. Sales volume takes off when a grocery store offers this option even though it’s not uncommon to charge the consumer more.
He explained how they’ll take 89-cent cans of tuna and flag them with a “10-for-$10” sign to increase sales. Shoppers will unwittingly pay the extra $1.10 because they think it’s a deal. Temptation works the same way. That which seems irresistible is costing us more than we think. (Reader’s Digest, February 2014, p.142)
Satan makes sin look wonderful, but the consequences are eternal punishment. Sin is made to look glamorous, but its wages are death. (Romans 6.23) No one is beyond of scope of being tempted by Satan. He will use every available means to pull you away. (Ephesians 6.11; 1 Peter 5.8)
Each Christian needs to strengthen themselves so we are not pulled away (James 1.14)
How can one continue to strengthen themselves against sin?
Here are a few suggestions on growing in Spiritual Strength:
- Surround yourself with people trying to get to heaven (Hebrews 10.24, 25)
- Spend time in the Bible (God’s words on avoiding sin) (1 Timothy 2.15)
- Communicate with God (Matthew 11.28-30; 1 Peter 5.7)
- Change your life to live for God if you have not (Acts 2.38)
Just some thoughts,