When Christ said, “Follow Me” He was intentional.  Jesus had a purpose behind calling those fishermen in Matthew 4.19.

He saw something in them and called them from their profession to life of service. He saw something in them they did not see in themselves. I am sure it took many adjustments to go from a fishing career to walking with Jesus every day. No matter how hard it was, the apostles lived an intentional life.

Their purpose was different, their thoughts were challenged and most of all, their purpose grew greater. Remember the words of Christ, “Follow Me and I will make you fishers of men”? Jesus was transforming their life to one of intentionally living for Him.

As Christians, I don’t think it is necessary to leave your job, but I do believe it is necessary to live intentionally for Christ. Because of Christ we are a changed people, let us live for Him.

How to Live Intentionally!

  • Start living intentionally today – Many people plan on following Christ tomorrow. If you know the great news of the gospel (1 Corinthians 15.1-8) and you know you needed Jesus (Acts 2.29-37, then it is time to do something about it (Acts 2.38).
  • Create a Plan – The old saying is, “Fail to plan and you plan to fail.” It takes some planning to live intentionally. Plan to read your Bible. Plan to take notes. Plan to talk with some about coming to services.
  • Start Small – Begin your intentional life by starting small. Get plugged in to the activities of the congregation and spend time with others who are living intentionally. Having a supportive and caring family is a powerful key to spiritual growth. (1 Corinthians 12.26)

Just a thought,