This is a transcription of the video. The text is not in a normal writing flow due to it being a transcription. 


Hello everyboday.

It is Friday. It is November something, and it is the start of the weekend for many. So, as Christians, I want to give you four things to think about.

That’s right, the number 4.

Here’s four things that Christian can do to make their weekend even better.

#1 – The first of all is the plan to attend every service. Probably your congregation, over the weekend, is going to have services on Sunday morning. Plan to be there on Sunday morning. That’s why we call it the Lord’s Day.

Most of the time we say that we spend 1/7 of our time in church when, in actuality, it’s probably just an hour, maybe two hours on Sunday, but plan to attend every service.

When you plan to attend every service, sit by somebody absolutely different. That’s a kind of a bonus because you’ll be able to get to know other people as you fellowship together, as you worship God.

So, #1, plan to attend every service.

#2 – surround yourself with Christians. If you want to grow closer to God, make sure that you are around God’s people. Pretty simple.

You are the sum total of five people that you hang around each and every day each. And every week, if you tell me those five people, I can probably buy their characteristics. Tell you who you are.

So it’s very important that you surround yourself with Christian surround yourself with like-minded, as Paul says in Philippians 2, that they can encourage you to be better each and every day.

So, #1, plan to attend every service. #2, surround yourself with Christians.

#3 – Spend time in prayer. Don’t pray, because you’re in trouble. Pray, because it’s today. Just pray.

Spend time talking to God sharing your wants your needs. I think that God wants to hear everything from us because He’s our Father, and He is somebody who has a desire to help us out in life, so you can do that.

So #1, plan to attend every service number to surround yourself with Christians.  #2, surround yourself with good people. #3, pray.

#4 – Sleep. That’s right. I said it, get some sleep, but here’s the deal. Not in church, not in church services, but renew your mind by getting the rest that you

So you can prepare yourself to be a little bit better. There’s a lot of trends about how much sleep that we need, but every single one of us is different and being different. One of the great things is our sleep patterns are probably a little bit different, but you still need sleep. When you still need sleep, it helps to clear your mind, and it helps you feel better. It helps you act better. It helps you become a different person.

So there’s some for things for you to think about…

#1 – Plan to attend every service.

#2 – Surround yourself with Christians.

#3 – Pray

#4 – Sleep. But not not in church, right?

That’s something that we need to do but do those this weekend so that you can have a great and wonderful Sunday.

Let me know how they work for you and I look forward to talking to you soon.

My name is Chris Gallagher, or check us out, All the information is there.

Follow our podcast that we are bringing back and are very unique way. But hey, you have a great day that it’s been about three minutes and we’ll talk to you soon.


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