“I like your Christ. I do not like your Christians. They are so unlike your Christ.” (attributed to Gandhi)
The above quote has, for years, been attributed to Mahatma Gandhi, a leader of the Indian people in the early part of the 20th century. Many have disputed the quote is directly from Gandhi, but some hold to the words as his. Whatever the case, let us take a moment and consider those words.
Be angry at those words it you will. Make excuses that Gandhi (?) does not understand the Bible or those words could be said about any religion, but be honest and consider the power behind those words.
The point – The actions of the followers must imitate the actions of the leader.
Christians have a constant eye upon them, because the world knows they are called to a higher purpose, by the Son of God. The world knows, somewhat, the overall teaching of the Bible, but wants to see it in the lives who proclaim to follow the one known as Jesus Christ.
Maybe today, you will be the shining light as Jesus has called you (Matthew 5.14-16).
Maybe today, you will prove Gandhi wrong and imitate Christ (1 Corinthians 11.1).
The choice is yours – the choice must be made, the life must be lived.
How can you prove Gandhi wrong?
Read the text of Christ – Take into your mind that which you should be doing. For the actions of Christians to match the Savior, it starts long before “WWJD.” The process starts in understand What Jesus Already DID! You must dive into the words of Jesus and begin living, ever day, like He did. Listen to His words, cherish them in your heart and let me out in your actions.
Stop Talking and Start Doing – Christians can talk of the word all day, but they must act on their beliefs. Isn’t that what true faith is – actions based on beliefs? The writer James says, “Be doers of the word, not hearers only.” (James 1.22) I would also read how those faithful allowed their faith to come through in their actions, see Hebrews 11.
Love Must Prevail – If you can feed the poor, teach the rich, give of your means, convert the lost, but have not love, how has your life been changed. Paul understood the power of love and actions in 1 Corinthians 13 – give it a read, but more than that, give it a light in your life.
Just my thoughts,