Today, another section of the website makes its debut –  a “Review” section. This section will consist of reviews on a variety of products: books, food, and many other things which make their way across my desk.

The review today is for a pamphlet from Rose Publishing on Psalm 23.

(Full disclosure: I received a free PDF copy of the brochure for providing a review. However, receiving a copy will not effect the review.)

Before reviewing this pamphlet, let me mention a few things about Rose Publishing. I first ran across this company while researching for an upcoming sermon years ago. While I cannot remember the first chart I received from Rose Publishing, I will say that over the years I have been privileged to enjoy many of their Bible echarts for free because I signed-up in their mailing list. You can do that as well by going here:

Now, onto the review…


While Psalm 23 is the most beloved psalm, it is also one that many take for granted. There is a powerful story behind the psalm and it is only magnified when one becomes a greater student of the language and culture. The Psalm 23 pamphlet by Rose Publishing allows the reader to understand the language as well as the cultural context of the time of its writing. Admittedly, many of us are unfamiliar with the what a shepherd does except for watching sheep. This pamphlet provides tidbits of information relating to the responsibilities of a shepherd through out the text. Further, the pamphlet gives an overview of the nature of sheep. Since the shepherd-sheep relationship is a key component to Scripture (and to Christian Living) it is vital to understanding the cultural background of the Psalmist.

The format of the pamphlet is well put together for reading and study. The verses are broken down into three sections: Meaning, Application and Related Passages. The Meaning section gives a brief overview of the verse while the Application sections give a few more insights before providing questions. The questions are designed to challenge your thinking by reflecting on the passage as well as your current spiritual condition. The Related Passage section will give you verses for further study.

Visually, the pamphlet is eye catching. There are materials on the market that are very dull in color and you would walk by, but not with this one. The colors, along with the pictures and the color charts, provide a pleasant experience to the eyes. All of this makes for a great reading experience.

Throughout the pamphlet there are charts, lists and tidbits of information to assist you in understanding the various key points of the Psalm along with other related terms in scripture. A good example is Psalm 23.4 where the phrase “Your rod and staff, they comfort me” occurs. In this section, a chart is provided mentioning the various rods and staffs in the Bible. Charts like that one on “Rods and staffs” are helpful for further study and Bible knowledge.

Having read through the pamphlet several times, I feel this would be a great pamphlet for a variety of settings: small group study, a large group study and even a personal study. Due to the usefulness of the material, it would also be a great way to study with someone since most people are familiar with Psalm 23.

You can find out more about the pamphlet here:

Just my thoughts,




Review Opportunities:

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