2019 – The New Beginning
2019 – The Year of the Beginning
As 2018 is quickly drawing to a close. Through the year, we have seen baptisms, restorations, increased moments of fellowship and opportunities to share. You have to say it has been a good year.
Even though the year is drawing to a close, our responsibilities are still active and open. This time of the year provides several great opportunities to share the gospel with someone you know. The Christmas holiday puts many people’s focus on Jesus and provides a great opportunity to share with them the message of what Christmas truly is – it’s about a Savior. When Jesus came into the world in human form (probably around April) the world was going to begin to change for the better and the mystery of God was being revealed.
Remember: Many people look to this time of year, to see Jesus. Each of us can begin to plant the seed, water the seed of the gospel and allow God to give the increase.
This time of year also represents a time where many people begin to make changes for the coming year; most call the resolutions, some call them goals, still others call them promises. No matter what they are called, people want to do better. This is an opportunity which needs to be grasped. The best way to make one’s life better is to change the focus from where it has been and begin to look to where one wants to be.
Remember: As people look to make themselves better, let each of us be sure to share with them the One who makes all things better.
During this time of year, families will make trips from all over the country to be together and celebrate a few days. Family becomes a top priority during the holidays because these are the time where memories are created, and the past memories are shared. When families get together, it is another opportunity to spend time growing closer to each other, but also a time to grow closer to God.
As you can see our work is still vital, and the opportunities are here. Pray that your words will be the right ones at the right time to encourage others to see the One who truly makes life worth the living.
Have a Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas and a Blessed New Year!
Just some thoughts,