A New Year and a New Progression

A New Year and a New Progression

Well, here we go! 2020 is upon us whether we were expecting it or not.

This year will be filled with countless blessings, renewed spirits and a desire to grow closer to God each day.

At the beginning of this year, some people will give themselves a new start and a set of achievements they want to see happen by this time next year. Some call the resolutions, some call them resolves, others call them goals. Whatever the description, allow me to share with you a few that will help you on your spiritual journey of 2020.

First, understand that God wants you to do well in 2020. God is still the same and He desires a relationship with you. God wants you to draw closer to Him and depend upon Him. He wants to bless you.

What Does God Want From Me In 2019?

God wants you to come to Him. “This is good, and it is pleasing in the sight of God our Savior, who desires all people to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth.” (1 Timothy 2:3-4)

God wants to give you His mercy. “Once you were not a people, but now you are God’s people; once you had not received mercy, but now you have received mercy.” (1 Peter 2:10)

God wants to give you His grace. “But he gives more grace. Therefore it says, ‘God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble.’” (James 4:6)

God wants you to be victorious. “But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.” (1 Corinthians 15:57)

God wants to give you a home. “…Then we who are alive, who are left, will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air, and so we will always be with the Lord. Therefore encourage one another with these words.” (1 Thessalonians 4:17-18)

If you understand that God wants you to be close to Him, what is stopping you from drawing near to Him?

Do you want to know what is stopping you?

Are you ready?

What Can You Do in 2020?

Remember, no matter what the year, the month or the day, God still wants you. It is His desire for you to have the greatest gift one could consider; a home with Him forever.

#1 – Attend all the services you can.

One of the best ways you can grow spiritually, is to be with the saints. You need the saints and the saints need you. God desires that His children encourage one another and grow together. Make it a priority to gather with your brothers and sisters.

#2 – Open your Bible and dig into it.

The Bible is a treasure map leading you to the greatest gift the world may ever know. God, the Creator of the World, has given you the gift of salvation, will you open it and dig into it.

#3 – Find a way to serve.

Have you taken the steps to serve your fellow man? God has asked that we serve one another. You can serve others by a variety of ways: send someone a card, send them a text, bake them cookies or a cake. Your service could be “small things” or “big things” but your heart must be in the service you have for others.

#4 – Surround Yourself with Christians

To make your weekend go better, especially, your Sunday, surround yourself with Christians.  As you plan for services, plan to meet with your church family after services. Be the one to step up and invite people to gather together.  A quick example is inviting people to eat together following services. If money is tight, invite everyone to chip in and have them at your house. (think of it as a potluck meal)

#5 – Pray

This weekend, schedule four times to offer quick prayers. Set an alarm on your phone to remind you of your scheduled prayer time. The weekends give us more time or more relaxed time, and this can be a great moment to pray.

Each Day

Each day, we have the opportunity to get better. Some take advantage of this opportunity every day and other let the opportunity slide by without notice. I encourage you to be a person to take advantage of the moment.

What about the advantage you have in Christ?

I typically call it an opportunity, but for a moment think of it as an advantage.  Here are a few of the advantages you have as a Christian:

  • The forgiveness of sins (Matthew 6.12-14; Luke 5.21-24; Acts 2.38; Acts 8.22)
  • The ability to live forever (John 3.15; John 6.47; Romans 2.7; Titus 1.2)
  • Prayer (Matthew 6.9-13; Acts 8.22; Ephesians 6.18; 1 Thessalonians 5.17)
  • Someone who cares (Matthew 11.28-30; 1 Peter 5.7)
  • Fellowship (Acts 2.42; 1 Corinthians 1.9; 2 Corinthians 13.14; 1 John 1.3-7)

Have you taken advantage of the benefits of Christ?

More than that, are you taking advantage of the benefits in Christ?

Just some thoughts,

Signature File

The Beauty of Starting Over

The Beauty of Starting Over

Maybe it is an inherited trait or maybe it is as a result of my environment, but I enjoy starting over. I enjoy opening a new book, a new journal and even watching a new television show. Each new thing is a new beginning. I love new beginnings.

This Sunday is the first Sunday of the new year.

Physically, we closed the calendar on 2018 and opened a new year with a new beginning. Most enjoy the moment of staring over and set different goals each year. Others will just continue on the same path they have for a while, traveling down the same road. While there is nothing wrong with either one, the question comes down to, “Are you getting better?”

Each day, we have the opportunity to get better. Some take advantage of this opportunity every day and other let the opportunity slide by without notice. I encourage you to be a person to take advantage of the moment.

What about the advantage you have in Christ? I typically call it an opportunity, but for a moment think of it as an advantage.  Here are a few of the advantages you have as a Christian:

  • The forgiveness of sins (Matthew 6.12-14; Luke 5.21-24; Acts 2.38; Acts 8.22)
  • The ability to live forever (John 3.15; John 6.47; Romans 2.7; Titus 1.2)
  • Prayer (Matthew 6.9-13; Acts 8.22; Ephesians 6.18; 1 Thessalonians 5.17)
  • Someone who cares (Matthew 11.28-30; 1 Peter 5.7)
  • Fellowship (Acts 2.42; 1 Corinthians 1.9; 2 Corinthians 13.14; 1 John 1.3-7)

Have you taken advantage of the benefits of Christ? More than that, are you taking advantage of the benefits in Christ?

Just a thought,

A Few More Days

A Few More Days

In just a few more days our calendars will move from 2018 to 2019; Lord willing. Another year has come, and its days have moved quickly. For many, the days of 2018 seem like they just started; for others, they are ready for a new year to begin.

A new year brings a time to begin living better. As it has been said before, “you cannot go back and start a new beginning, but you can start today and create a new ending.” Through the blessings of God, each one of us can begin a new year with a clean slate.

How will you begin 2019?

1. Will you read your Bible all the way through? It is the word of God that is a lamp to our feet and a light to our path. (Psalms 119.105)

2. Will you practice a pure religion? James says a pure religion is to visit the fatherless and the widows in their affliction. (James 1:27)

3. Will you attend services to build one another up? The Hebrews writer encourages us to stir one another up to love and good works by being together. (Hebrews 10.24-25)

I love the fact that God sees fit to give us days upon this earth. They are times spent with family, friends, working and doing whatever else our hands find to do. Looking back on our lives, I am sure that each of us will agree that we have been blessed.

How will you bless others with the blessings that God has given you this upcoming year?

Just some thoughts,

2019 – The New Beginning

2019 – The New Beginning

2019 – The Year of the Beginning

As 2018 is quickly drawing to a close. Through the year, we have seen baptisms, restorations, increased moments of fellowship and opportunities to share. You have to say it has been a good year.

Even though the year is drawing to a close, our responsibilities are still active and open. This time of the year provides several great opportunities to share the gospel with someone you know. The Christmas holiday puts many people’s focus on Jesus and provides a great opportunity to share with them the message of what Christmas truly is – it’s about a Savior. When Jesus came into the world in human form (probably around April) the world was going to begin to change for the better and the mystery of God was being revealed.

Remember: Many people look to this time of year, to see Jesus. Each of us can begin to plant the seed, water the seed of the gospel and allow God to give the increase.

This time of year also represents a time where many people begin to make changes for the coming year; most call the resolutions, some call them goals, still others call them promises. No matter what they are called, people want to do better. This is an opportunity which needs to be grasped. The best way to make one’s life better is to change the focus from where it has been and begin to look to where one wants to be.

Remember: As people look to make themselves better, let each of us be sure to share with them the One who makes all things better.

During this time of year, families will make trips from all over the country to be together and celebrate a few days. Family becomes a top priority during the holidays because these are the time where memories are created, and the past memories are shared.  When families get together, it is another opportunity to spend time growing closer to each other, but also a time to grow closer to God.

As you can see our work is still vital, and the opportunities are here. Pray that your words will be the right ones at the right time to encourage others to see the One who truly makes life worth the living.

Have a Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas and a Blessed New Year!

Just some thoughts,