Spiritual Complacency

Spiritual Complacency

When Apple introduced the iPhone in 2006, Nokia had 50% of the world consumer cell phone market and BlackBerry had 49% of the world business cell phone market.  Both companies essentially looked at Apple and said, “The iPhone is just a toy.  It’s a passing fad.”

BlackBerry was so confident in its market dominance that it cut its research and development budget by 50% because, “they were so popular that they did not need to innovate anymore.”  Within five years, that complacency caused both companies to fall from world dominance to corporate insignificance. *

Regardless of the enterprise – family, church, business, character, or health – complacency can quickly lead to undesirable results.

The Hebrews writer, addressing his readers said, “For though by this time you ought to be teachers, you need someone to teach you again the basic principles of the oracles of God.” (Hebrews 5.12) The writer goes on to say they are “unskilled” and not mature. The audience had become complacent in their spiritual condition.

Are you complacent with your spiritual life? Have you grown to a point where you feel you do not need to grow?

Remember the words of Peter in 2 Peter 3.18, “But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.”

Are you growing? Grow it not just an option for Christians; from the words of the Bible, it is an expectation.

Just a few thoughts,



*Source: Master Your Time Master Your Life, Brain Tracy, 2016, p.124