Short Thoughts on Christian Men
A few years ago, I was asked to speak on a Men’s Retreat and I challenged the men to be…
- Men of God
- Men of Morals
- Men of Leadership
- Men of Passion
- Men of Responsibility
Today, have things changed form a few short years ago? Not really.
Men are needing to step up more today than they ever have before. In a changing world, men nee to rise to the occasion. Whether it is politically correct or not, men need to stand up.
Christian men are needed today; not just men, but Christian men. Those men who are God fearing, need to stand firm. This firmness must be one based on the morals taught in the Bible.
So, what are Christian men to do? Let me offer a few suggestions…
Biblically Educate Yourself
- Hosea 4.6 – “My people are destroyed for a lack of knowledge.”
- Deuteronomy 6.4-9 – The education must come at every opportunity.
- As men, we are to be the leaders of our family. The pressure is on us. (Ephesians 5.25-34; Ephesians 6.1-2)
- It is hard to teach others if we are not Biblically educated.
Shield Your Family
- As men, our duty is to get our families to heaven. Imagine what would happen if everyone saved their family? How the church would grow.
- Shield your children by teaching (Deuteronomy 6.4-9)
- Do we know their friends?
- Are we spending time with our children teaching them Biblical values?
Do What is Right
- Men, are we choosing our family over football? How much will the football scores matter in eternity?
- We must do what is right, even when others are not doing it.
- Acts 4.12 – The apostles chose the right way in difficult circumstances.
Love the Brotherhood
- 1 Peter 2.17 – “Love the brotherhood.”
- As men, we lead the brotherhood and to lead, we must love the brotherhood.
- We must love those who take the life out of us (loving the unloving).
- Regarding our wives, are we just telling them we love them or are we showing them we love them?
- God not only told us he loved us, He showed us. (John 3.16)
- God said He loved us and SHOWED it.
- Do we only tell our wives we love them, or do we show them?
- Do we only tell our children we love them, or do we show them?
Support What You Believe
- Back up your words with your actions. (Note James 2.14-26)
- If you believe in supporting the church, are you doing it? For instance, if we believe in our congregation, are we supporting it financially? Are we supporting it with our time?
- What we support is usually what we value?
- Our wives and children need to see what we believe by the things we support.
- Do you believe in your family? Are you supporting them?
- Supporting what we believe will take our time and our finances, but the legacy we will leave is powerful.
Serve Humanity
- Jesus called on us to serve, not the government. (Matthew 10.42)
- Serve others as you would serve the Lord. (Colossians 3.17)
- Involve your children in areas of services. Involving them shows that you are a person of your word. Many times, we talk about serving the world, but our children never see us doing it.
- Serve where you have the ability (Ephesians 4.11-16) – Some people have great ability for carpentry and others do not. There are some people you want to deal with an electrical problem and there are some you do not. Figuring out our area of service is a must to serving the people around us.
- The adage, “Charity begins at home” can be adapted to “Serving begins at home.”
Pray Daily
- This point can never be stressed enough, pray always.
- God’s people were people of prayer and we must be so as well.
Just some thoughts,