Three Thoughts on the Importance of Bible Study for Christian Development

Three Thoughts on the Importance of Bible Study for Christian Development

#1 – The Value of Bible Study for Personal Growth 

The Bible, in 2 Timothy 3:16-17, says, “All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.”  

These words perfectly encapsulate the importance of Bible study in our spiritual journey. Bible study provides an opportunity to delve deeper into Scripture, enhancing our understanding of God’s word and its application in our lives. It shapes our worldview, influences our actions, and helps us grow spiritually, emotionally, and socially. 

#2 – Enhancing Bible Knowledge through Study 

In Hosea 4:6, God laments, “My people are destroyed from lack of knowledge.” A lack of understanding of God’s word can lead us astray.  

Regular Bible study equips us with the knowledge to discern God’s will, make wise decisions, and defend our faith when necessary. It is like a lamp that illuminates our path in a world often shrouded in darkness. (Psalm 119.105) 

#3 – Fellowship in Bible Study 

Bible study is more than an individual endeavor—it is a communal act of worship.  

Acts 2:42 tells us: “They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer.” Taking part in a Bible study group allows us to build relationships, encourage one another, share insights, and pray for each other.  

It enhances our sense of belonging and fosters a spirit of unity in Christ. 

What other reasons can you add for the importance of Bible Study? 

Just some thoughts,





Daily Bible Reading Worksheets – Week #2

Daily Bible Reading Worksheets – Week #2

Bible Reading Worksheets for Week #2

How is your Daily Bible Reading going this year?

Below are some worksheets we are offering to help you in your Bible reading progression. We will release these worksheets every Thursday for the week ahead. This will give you ample opportunity to dive into God’s word with some study questions to challenge you to read deep and examine the Word closer.

We are offering two different Daily Bible Reading Worksheets below. See which one fits your Daily Bible Reading Schedule and your growth plan the best and download, print them and work through them as you read each day.

If you missed Week #1 you can download those worksheets here.

The New Testament Daily Bible Reading Series – This series is a 26 weeks series on Reading the New Testament. It is great for the beginner to Daily Bible reading because it starts with the New Testament, which is very familiar to most readers. Also, it is a few chapters a day, which allows the reader to not be overwhelmed with many chapters.

The Full Bible Reading Series – This series contains reading from various sections of the Bible each day. Instead of reading the Bible straight through, it allows the reader to read from a different section of the Bible each day. Using this worksheet will help you stay on track through the various sections of the Bible, making quick progress, but not getting stuck on the usual passage.

These worksheets will be available each Thursday here on the website. The worksheets will also be available on Wednesday through the Preacher’s Pen Wednesday Email Newsletter. You can sign-up for the Newsletter here.

Download the 2024 New Testament 26 Week #2 Daily Bible Reading Worksheet here


Download the 2024 Full Bible Daily Bible Reading Week #2 Worksheet here

Are you preparing for your opportunity for Spiritual Growth in 2024?

If you would like, contact us and let us know who are you doing in your Daily Bible Reading throughout the 2024.

Just some thoughts,




Bible Study Weekly Series – John 13 – Day #2

Bible Study Weekly Series – John 13 – Day #2

This is Day #2

Join is this week as we study John 13.

This chapter is filled with examples, illustrations, and words of Jesus which motivate us for greater living. In this study we will look at the Passover, the dinner with the disciples, the betrayer (Judas), the confusion at the table, Peters famous words, and the feet washing Savior of the World. Join us this week as we study together.

The videos below are on YouTube and Rumble. You can choose whichever format you prefer.

Also, follow us on our other accounts at:

Thanks for taking part,

Signature File

The Bible Class on Rumble:

You can find more Preacher’s Pen videos on Rumble by clicking here.

The Bible Class on Youtube:

You can find more videos of the Preacher’s Pen on YouTube by clicking here.

Bible Study Weekly Series – John 13 – Day #2

Bible Study Weekly Series – John 13 – Day #1

Join is this week as we study John 13.

This chapter is filled with examples, illustrations, and words of Jesus which motivate us for greater living. In this study we will look at the Passover, the dinner with the disciples, the betrayer (Judas), the confusion at the table, Peters famous words, and the feet washing Savior of the World. Join us this week as we study together. 

The videos below are on YouTube and Rumble. You can choose whichever format you prefer.

Also, follow us on our other accounts at:

Thanks for taking part,

Signature File

The Bible Class on Rumble:

You can find more Preacher’s Pen videos on Rumble by clicking here.

The Bible Class on Youtube:

You can find more videos of the Preacher’s Pen on YouTube by clicking here.

Bible Study Weekly Series – John 1 – Day #4

Bible Study Weekly Series – John 1 – Day #4

This week, May 1st -May 5th, 2023, we are studying John 1.

This is Day #4.

The Gospel of John begins in a unique way. Being inspired by God, John shows Jesus was in the beginning, with God helping to create everything we see around us.

Further, in the first chapter of John, we see the purpose of John the Baptist in his preparation of the way of Christ. We also see John the Baptist confirming that Christ is the Lamb of God, which takes away sins.

Continue to join us this week in our series of John 1.

We hope this is a blessing to you and helps you grow in your spiritual life.

The videos below are on YouTube and Rumble. You can choose whichever format you prefer.

Also, follow us on our other accounts at:

Thanks for taking part,

Signature File

The Bible Class on Rumble:

You can find more Preacher’s Pen videos on Rumble by clicking here.

The Bible Class on Youtube:

You can find more videos of the Preacher’s Pen on YouTube by clicking here.