What Does It Mean to be a Christian? (Part #6)

What Does It Mean to be a Christian? (Part #6)

Words matter. Words make a difference to the one speaking them, and the one hearing them.Years ago, many of us were taught the phrase of “sticks and stones will break my bones, but words will never hurt me.” In our younger years, we used this phrase to deflect the harmful words of others. But words hurt. I would imagine you have been hurt by words.

Words not only hurt, but words can influence others. James writes, “Not many of you should become teachers, my brother, for you know that we who teach will be judged with greater strictness.” (James 3.1; ESV)

The influence of words is like that of a ship’s rudder. Even though a rudder is small, it can influence a large ship and take it where it wants to travel. (James 3.4)

What steps can we take to be sure we are using words properly?

  • Change your mind. What proceeds from your lips is a product of what lives in our hearts. (Matthew 15.18) Our minds should be focused on things above (Colossians 3.2) and we should meditate on the higher things (Philippians 4.8).
  • Are the words I speak helping? Are the words you are speaking encouraging to others? (Hebrews 3.13) Are the words we speak spoken out of love? (Ephesians 4.15)

Just some thoughts,

What Does It Mean to be a Christian? (Part #6)

What Does It Mean to be a Christian? (Part #5)

Why would someone want a bad eternity?

Personally, I cannot understand why anyone would know they may suffer eternal punishment and be satisfied to suffer the consequences. Further, I cannot understand how someone can believe that Jesus is real and still choose not to follow Him. Maybe I am partial because I grew up going to services, attending Bible classes, and being taught of the power of the Word.

Did you know the demons believe and even shudder (tremble) that God is one?

“You believe that God is one; you do well. Even the demons believe—and shudder!”  (James 2:19 ESV)

It is hard to believe the demons believe that God is one and still work against Him. It is hard to believe they shudder (tremble) in their belief, but still do what they do?

How can someone, who knows the oneness of God and the power God has over the world, still reject Him? The demons have chosen their fate, but people walking the Earth today still have a choice to obey Him before it is too late. Why do they not choose God?

If the demons, Satan’s army, know the power of God and shudder, should not everyone be mindful of the opportunity we have to obey God?

Are you better than the demons?

Do you believe and act on your beliefs?

Just some thoughts,




What Does It Mean to be a Christian? (Part #6)

What Does It Mean to be a Christian? (Part #2)

The term ‘Christian’ is often associated with actions that reflect the teachings of Jesus Christ. As followers of Christ, Christians are expected to emulate his actions and teachings in their daily lives.

The Epistle of James provides a practical guide for Christians, outlining the actions and behaviors that should be exhibited in their day-to-day lives. It has been called the “Monday through Saturday guide for Christians” because of its practicality.

James, the author of the Epistle, was likely the brother of Jesus. (Matthew 13.55; Galatians 1.9) In the beginning, James and the other brothers of Jesus tried to discourage the Lord (John 7.5). However, as time passed, James grew spiritually and became an active member of the early Christian community.

  • James was with the disciples in the upper room. (Acts 1:14)
  • Peter sent good news to him. (Acts 12:17)
  • James speaks to the brethren at the Jerusalem gathering. (Acts 15:13-21)
  • Paul spoke to James and the elders. (Acts 21:18-25)
  • James is mentioned in Galatians 2.9 as a pillar of the church.

James’ transformation from a skeptic to a devout follower of Christ is a testament to the power of faith. He witnessed the great things that the Lord had done and was inspired to share his story with others. Like James, we too can grow in our faith and become pillars of the church, spreading the teachings of Christ to those around us.

Are you willing to share your story and grow in your faith, just like James did?

Just some thoughts,





Three Thoughts on the Importance of Bible Study for Christian Development

Three Thoughts on the Importance of Bible Study for Christian Development

#1 – The Value of Bible Study for Personal Growth 

The Bible, in 2 Timothy 3:16-17, says, “All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.”  

These words perfectly encapsulate the importance of Bible study in our spiritual journey. Bible study provides an opportunity to delve deeper into Scripture, enhancing our understanding of God’s word and its application in our lives. It shapes our worldview, influences our actions, and helps us grow spiritually, emotionally, and socially. 

#2 – Enhancing Bible Knowledge through Study 

In Hosea 4:6, God laments, “My people are destroyed from lack of knowledge.” A lack of understanding of God’s word can lead us astray.  

Regular Bible study equips us with the knowledge to discern God’s will, make wise decisions, and defend our faith when necessary. It is like a lamp that illuminates our path in a world often shrouded in darkness. (Psalm 119.105) 

#3 – Fellowship in Bible Study 

Bible study is more than an individual endeavor—it is a communal act of worship.  

Acts 2:42 tells us: “They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer.” Taking part in a Bible study group allows us to build relationships, encourage one another, share insights, and pray for each other.  

It enhances our sense of belonging and fosters a spirit of unity in Christ. 

What other reasons can you add for the importance of Bible Study? 

Just some thoughts,





Is the “Deal” Really a Deal?

Is the “Deal” Really a Deal?

Do you check prices when you go grocery shopping? Do you read the sales to be sure the “deal” you are getting is a “deal?”

In 50 Secrets Your Grocer Won’t Tell You, Jeff Weidauer revealed that the 10-for-$10 is one of the most effective promotions. Sales volume takes off when a grocery store offers this option even though it’s not uncommon to charge the consumer more.

He explained how they’ll take 89-cent cans of tuna and flag them with a “10-for-$10” sign to increase sales. Shoppers will unwittingly pay the extra $1.10 because they think it’s a deal. Temptation works the same way. That which seems irresistible is costing us more than we think. (Reader’s Digest, February 2014, p.142)

Satan makes sin look wonderful, but the consequences are eternal punishment. Sin is made to look glamorous, but its wages are death. (Romans 6.23) No one is beyond of scope of being tempted by Satan. He will use every available means to pull you away. (Ephesians 6.11; 1 Peter 5.8)

Each Christian needs to strengthen themselves so we are not pulled away (James 1.14)

How can one continue to strengthen themselves against sin?

Here are a few suggestions on growing in Spiritual Strength:

  • Surround yourself with people trying to get to heaven (Hebrews 10.24, 25)
  • Spend time in the Bible (God’s words on avoiding sin) (1 Timothy 2.15)
  • Communicate with God (Matthew 11.28-30; 1 Peter 5.7)
  • Change your life to live for God if you have not (Acts 2.38)

Just some thoughts,