Where Have You Left Jesus – Sermon Powerpoint

Where Have You Left Jesus – Sermon Powerpoint

During the Christmas season, many people will leave Jesus at the manger.

Where have you left Jesus?

To view the PowerPoint of the lesson below, click the arrows and the bottom. Once you click the arrow, give it a moment to change the slide before clicking again.


Just some thoughts,

Signature File

The Decision Beyond Roe vs. Wade


Close to one year following the shocking Roe vs. Wade decision, the country was seeing the immoral act of an irresponsible nation as they covered their mistakes by depriving the innocent of “life, liberty and pursuit of happiness.” While our nation began living in the atrocity of moral decline, the choice of selfishness, now made legal,  would take the life of one created equal by God.

It is always powerful to remember that our present choices have an effect on our life and might even effect the lives of others.

One year after the Roe vs. Wade decision, an 18 year old young lady would make a choice to determine her future and the life of another…she was pregnant. The road ahead as a single mother would be difficult and filled with obstacles. Her experiences would be much different than any other 18 year old because she had to make a choice…a hard choice; what would she do?

The Supreme Court of this land made a decision like hers easier by legally allowing her an “easy way” out. Even further, this decision could at a time where very few, if any, of the people in her life would ever know. The decision was hers.

Would her family support the choice she was going to make?

Would the father of the child support her decision?

Did she know what her child would become?

Did she desire to see her child, even though she would hold him alone?

Those were a few of the powerful questions she would have to face; not once, but every day. The road before her was already seeming difficult and the pressure of a child was weighing heavily on her shoulders. 

The world may never know her thoughts or the stress she faced…what would her choice be?

The legal system of this country gave her an easy way out…what would her choice be?

It could be done in such a way that her family would never find out…what would her choice be?

No matter what the decision, her life would be changed forever. To make the decision, she would have to reflect on her values, morals, beliefs and the life of the child growing in her womb.

Her choice was simple…she chose life and I am glad she did.

Thank you mom. I love you.

Your son,
