A Black and White Photo Challenge Day #

A Black and White Photo Challenge Day #

As I have progressed through the Black and White Photo Challenge, I have violated the rules and posted words along with each photo. Each photo tells a story, and the words draw out the story through clearer eyes.

Day #5 – The Road

One of Willie Nelson’s most loved songs is “On the Road Again.”  Many people identify with that song because they travel along with Willie as his songs speak of his journey’s along the roads.

Over my short years, the road as represented many travels to many places; some planned, some not planned, but all were unique.

I can only think of one car I ever owned that never made it to 100,000 miles before it was sold. The problems started early with that poor car, but it could still tell a story.

My travels and miles have not been as far as most, but the stories are beyond imagination. I have been blessed to travel for speaking engagements, workshops, lectures, vacations and sometimes, just out on a long drive.

The road will always hold a special place.

What about you? What do the miles mean to you?

Just a thought,