Staying Committed in 2024

Staying Committed in 2024


I can’t believe 2024 is here. I mentioned a few days ago that I recently wrote 2021 on a check. Surely, the years have not gone by that fast.

God has seen fit to allow us to begin another year and use it for His glory. As you think of your plans for 2024, let God have the priority in all that you do (Proverbs 3.5-6). Allow the Lord to direct your paths by committing to Him in 2024.

Here are a few helps to assist you in staying committed in 2024:

Your Daily Four – Commit to reading four chapters of the Bible every day. Reading four chapters of the Bible a day allows you over two extra months at the end of the year to go back and read your favorite chapters or begin reading through the Bible again. (If you want a Bible Reading plan to help, you can find some here.)

Your Weekly Four – Commit to attending four hours of service a week. Each week, we are given 168 hours to invest in opportunities, work, sleep, food and any other area of life we choose. Choose to commit four hours to worship and service times together. Commit to four hours and watch how your spiritual life can grow.

Your Monthly Four – Commit to specifically encouraging four people a month. Choose four people at the beginning of each month and begin praying for them. While attending services, find them and make it a priority to encourage them. Consider sending those four people a card during the month to encourage them.

Your Yearly Four – Commit to specifically inviting four families to join our spiritual family during the year. Consider four families you are close to and invite them. During the year, there will be plenty of opportunities to invite them to services and other gatherings outside our normal services.

Just some thoughts,