How Much Does a Marriage Cost?

How Much Does a Marriage Cost?

Several years ago, an article crossed my desk titled, “Most Costly Celebrity Divorces.” Normally, I would ignore an article like that, but curiosity got the best of me. The article was nothing more than an article about the divorce settlement in terms of money. The article never discussed the “cost of divorce” without terms of money. Divorce costs lives, relationships and more.

Marriage is more costly than money. A great marriage is an investment, not only in your future, but for future generations. A bad marriage is a costly expense, not only in your life, but in the lives of future generations.

Your marriage not only affects you, but it influences your children on the type of marriage they will have. As the Bible says, our lights will shine for others to see.  (Matthew 5.14-16) We provide an example to others regarding marriage. If we speak harsh about marriage, others will see it as harsh. If we speak well of marriage, others will see it differently than before.

How to Improve the Value of Marriage:

  • Value Marriage – To improve the value of marriage, you must value marriage. The Bible places a high value on marriage as it uses it as an illustration of Christ and the church. (See Ephesians 5.22-33)
  • Work on Your Marriage – Marriage takes work. Some people believe that once the wedding is over it is all happily ever after. Instead, marriage takes work. Submission takes work. Responsibility takes work. (See Ephesians 5.22-33)
  • Believe the 100/100 truth – The typical saying is that marriage is 50/50, but the truth is that marriage is 100/100. When two people enter a relationship and only give 50%, there will be problems. When two people enter marriage giving 100%, they will become one flesh and grow their marriage.

Just a thought,

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