A Letter to My Friends

A Letter to My Friends


Today I wrote out of frustration. I write because I am disappointed, discouraged and yet, challenged, by the mystery that is our country.

This year has been truly daunting. It started well, but then came the Covid-19 crisis, the murder hornets, wildfires, lockdowns, debates on mask wearing and now a volatile election. Who knows what the next few months will bring, but I see greatness ahead.

Many times, it takes much darkness to shine a light.  Through the darkness there is always a beacon of hope. Hope that tomorrow will be better than the previous days. This hope, this attainable hope, is ready and willing to create a lasting impact on our lives than it has ever done so before.

Today, even though times are hard, I write as a hopeful man. I write because I know the best times still lay before us. We must have our valleys to bring about a mountaintop experience. It will be a climb. We will have to dig in our footing, examine the path ahead, adjust our holds, dig in again and all the while, keeping our focus on the pinnacle.

It will be hard. It will be scary. It will be terrifying.

But you know what, we can do this.

The hardest times of our lives are not what we let others do to us, but what we allow to happen to us. It is time now that we pick ourselves up by the bootstraps, tighten our belts and prepare for the way ahead.

I am asking you today to take a step in the right direction.  

Let us be honest, the right direction will not be easy, but it will be worth it.

Later this year, I will unveil a plan for 2021 and beyond. Yes, beyond. As Buzz Lightyear would say, “to infinity and beyond.” We must be forward thinking, and we can take the steps now for a greater tomorrow.

I admit, I have felt 2020 like I was stepping barefoot on a Lego but is it time to move beyond the year and get to work.

I want to surround myself with those who are willing to move in the right direction. I do not want multitudes of people milling about, but people willing to grow.  

I want to surround myself with people willing to support each other based on a common bond of decency and respect.  Our support will take each other through the valleys and ascending to the mountaintops.

I want to surround myself with people willing to challenge each other, but not leave each other alone. Each challenge presented with me met with the support we all need.

I want to surround myself with people who want to get better. Moving in the right direction is good, but getting better is…. better. The actions of movement in the right direction will create better days today for a better life tomorrow.

I want to surround myself with people who want others to do well. We need to compliment three times more than we criticize. We need to encourage more that we see the negative.

I want to surround myself with people willing to make a sacrifice for the good. It might be a sacrifice of time, of finances, or of self. Our desire to improve each other must rise to the occasion.

I want to surround myself with people who want to bring their families into greater success… physically, mentally, and spiritually. Not parents teaching the same things, but teaching greater things.

I want to surround myself with people who want to learn from the mistakes and create successes despite the past. The past is behind us for a reason. It is time to step up and move forward.

I want to surround myself with excellent people.

So, where do we begin and what do we do? Honestly, where do we go?

First, we must look within ourselves and see if we are ready. Are you discouraged right now? Are you ready for a change? Are you ready to move forward despite the circumstances? If so, you might be ready.

Second, be ready to get your family ready. Remember, you are leaving legacy every day as they see you walk and talk. Be the shining light of hope they need to see. Let them see their future is bright. Let us be sure we are leaving them with opportunities, desire, and hope.

Third, we need to be ready to support each other.  We need to pray for each other.  We need to encourage each other when you find the opportunity. We need to support each other’s business if they have one. Support one another and build one another.

Fourth, get ready to work. Take, at a minimum, 30 minutes each day to work on principles to be better. Find your strengths and begin working within your strengths to create a better you.

Remember, the greatest times are ahead. We have a bright future and a powerful hope. Let us go get it.

So, what next?

Over the next two months, I plan to focus on a few areas that I know are needed among the people. This focus will be based on Four Pillars—God, Family, Work, and Service.

Each Pillar can stand on their own, but together, they add strength and stability. With all four together, there is an unstoppable path ahead. But first, we must look to each pillar to find its meaning.

I want to build off the four pillars each week and begin creating a community of people seeking the great and not the mediocre. This will be hard, but the hardest parts can reap the greatest benefits.

Together, with whoever wants to make the journey, we can do this. We will make it successful, fun, rewarding and a way to bless others in our lives.

I am ready.

Let me know if you want to get on the journey.

Just some thoughts,

Signature File

Maybe It’s What We Needed

Maybe It’s What We Needed

While we would never wish harm and turmoil on others, maybe these uncertain times can teach a valuable lesson.

As Christians we must be aware the world is always full of turmoil and chaos. (Matthew 24-25) Many times Christians do not understand all that happens in the world because we focus our minds on heaven. (Colossians 3.2)

Christians are blessed with a unique perspective because we set our minds on higher things; the things of God. When we are focused on heaven, we understand the things of the Earth will pass away. (1 John 2.17) This focus on eternity is something we need to renew each day. (2 Corinthians 4.16-18)

Many times, the turmoil we see in the world allows us to see the frailty of life. When we see the pain, uncomfortableness this world has experienced, we long for heaven. As Solomon, we can see the toil from our labors and realize the most important thing is,

“The end of the matter; all has been heard. Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the whole duty of man. For God will bring every deed into judgment, with every secret thing, whether good or evil.”  (Ecclesiastes 12:13-14)

Life is short. Are we ready?

Uncertain times like we are in help us to realize the shortness of life, we must be ready for everlasting life. Are you ready?

Just a thought,

Signature File

My Concerning Thought

My Concerning Thought

Non-Christians, do not read this. It will be depressing.

A few weeks ago I told my family that wearing a mask would become a “fellowship issue” among Christians. Last week I told a few others the same thing.

In the past two days I have seen this exact thing happen all over Social Media. It is disappointing. It is saddening.

Churches are already divided among races: white churches, black churches, Asian churches, Korean churches, Hispanic churches, etc. This is also disappointing. It is saddening.

Now, we are in a worldwide panic over a virus. Honestly, I do not care what you think about masks. I mean that in a nice way, but I really do not care.

For years, Christians have divided over stupid stuff: color of carpet, which songbook to use, translations, steeple or no steeple, Bible class or no Bible class Communion tray lids on or off when you pray, and the list could go on.

Now, fellowship is being broken over masks.

The first century church dealt with real persecution, real death because of beliefs and real hatred.

What have we come to? What will we allow to get in our way among our brethren?

The world is watching. The world needs Christians to be lights now more than ever.

We, as a people are more scared of a virus than we are of going to Hell. Think about that.

I heard a few years ago that “there are things worse than death.” Remember that.

That is all. Go resume your bickering on Facebook now.

To my non-Christian friends, I am sorry you have to see Christians bickering like spoiled little children. Please accept my apologies.

“This world is not my home, I’m just a passin’ through…”

Just a thought,

Signature File