Do Not Curse the Deaf

Do Not Curse the Deaf

“You shall not curse the deaf or put a stumbling block before the blind, but you shall fear your God: I am the LORD.” (Leviticus 19.14; ESV)

Most will read over this verse and never pay it much thought, but upon considering the ramifications of this verse, the eternal nature of the Lord is clearly seen in the actions of the obedient.

Consider this, if you curse a deaf person, will he even hear it?

The answer is, “No.”

Leviticus 19.14 is a relationship verse; both our relationship to God as well as our relationship to each other.

Clearly a deaf person will not hear a cursing from your lips, but the Lord will. The Lord will see when you do not respect your fellow man and when you are not doing what is right before Him. Our words regarding others when they are not around is nothing more than a reflection of our hearts.

Our words are a reflection of our relationship with the Lord!

God is clear in His word about how we are to treat others. Gossiping and speaking behind others backs does nothing but fuel the fires of negativity and destroys everything. Yes, I said everything.

Each of us know relationship which have been utterly destroyed because of gossip and backbiting. I am sure some can name families that have split, marriages divided and congregations destroyed over gossip and backstabbing. Even King Solomon knew this when he said, “For lack of wood the fire goes out, and where there is no whisperer, quarreling ceases” (Proverbs 26.20; ESV)

Questions for a lifetime:

1. Each day, do you spend more time talking about people or to people?

2. When you pray, do you spend more time praying about others or more time praying for others?

3. Do you spend time tearing people down with gossip or building them up with exhortation?

Remember, a “true friends says nice things behind your back.”

Just some thoughts,

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