We Just Never Know
Mount Everest is the highest peak in the word at 29,029 feet. Over the years, thousands of people have reached the peak and approximately 290 have died during the journey.
In 1997, Jon Krakauer wrote of the 1996 Mount Everest expedition in which eight climbers lost their lives in a blizzard during the decent from the summit. His book, “Into Thin Air”, became a best seller. One of the survivors was Charlotte Fox. Charlotte had climbed all 53 of the 14,0000 ft peaks in Colorado and two 8,000-meter peaks. After her Everest ascent, she would become the first American woman to reach the summit of three 8,000-meter peaks.
On May 24, 2018, Charlotte Fox fell down the stairs of her home in Telluride, Colorado and died at the age of 61. The shocking news made a friend say, “it’s just so wrong.” How can you survive one of the most dangerous climbs on earth and then die on the stairs in your house?
Many times, we just never know. Death is certain for each of us, but we may never know when it comes. Death does not care about our accomplishments or achievements.
Since we just never know, are we prepared?
“And just as it is appointed for man to die once, and after that comes the judgement…” (Hebrews 9.27)
Are you prepared whenever that time may be?
Just some thoughts,