F – Focus on what you will do, not what you have done. There are many people who always tell you what they once did, but be the person who has their eyes on the prize has a forward focus. Focus on the actions you will do as a new creature in Christ. (Romans 6.1-9)
A – Attribute good things to God. As a child of God, every spiritual blessing you have is in Christ (Ephesians 1.3). Every good and perfect gift is from the Father of lights. (James 1.17). As we go throughout our life, let us remember is it the Lord that blesses us, let’s give Him the glory.
I – Invest your time wisely. Paul told the Ephesians church to walk as wise people; redeeming the time (Ephesians 5.15). Time passes swiftly and it will continue as long as we walk this earth. Remember, life is like a vapor that appears for a little while and vanishes away (James 4.14). Invest your time in God’s word and the fellowship with God’s people.
T – Take your cares to God. I am humbled every time I read 1 Peter 5.7, “Cast your cares upon Him, for He cares for you.” It is humbling to know the God of heaven and earth cares about us. He cares enough that you can ask Him anything and He will grant my requests according to His desire to help me get better. Remember, our faith in God is faith in His answers.
H – Humble yourself. Do not just humble yourself in the sight of the Lord, but humble yourself to your brothers and sisters in Christ. Lift them up and see how the world begins to change (Philippians 2.3,4)
Just some thoughts,

Have you always wanted to study the Bible, but did not know exactly where to begin?
The outlines below are simple outlines to being your personal study. You will notice the outlines are not complete. Use them as a guide to help you study.
Preachers, feel free to use these as a help to kick start our sermon on Sunday.
Outline #1 – Attitude Determines Altitude
- Why is Attitude Important?
- Attitudes are always forming
- Attitudes are formed when we are young
- Attitude problems are the result of heart problems
- What must My Attitude be?
- Not as the rich young ruler.
- The Attitude of Christ
- We need an attitude of “Yes! We can!”
- How is your attitude?
- Is it Christ-like?
- Since attitude problems are heart problems, where is your heart?
- Have you learned to be content?
Outline #2 – Do Not Mumble or Grumble
- The Dangerous Attitude of Complaining
- How can we be blameless and shining as lights in the world, if we complain?
- Complainers bring others down.
- The Dangerous Attitude of Disputing
- Some people try to dispute, stir up anger and arguments
- “All that is needed to make a mountain out of a molehill is a little dirt.”
- Our Attitudes and Words
- Words affect people?
- Replace complaining and disputing with good things (i.e. – thankfulness, faith, kindness, etc)
- What will your words do today
Outline #3 – Taking it all in and letting none of it out
- The Most Followed command?
- Matthew 8:4 – “See that you tell no one…”
- Why did Jesus say that phrase?
- Do many people follow it today?
- Why do many follow those words today?
- Fear
- Specifically, fear of rejection
- Some are afraid they will be wrong
- We need to get off our “buts.” (ex. – I really know I should but…)
- Isaiah 6:8 – “Here am I, send me”
Outline #4 – Simply Trusting God
- Simply trusting God means you are like Joseph
- Remember Joseph’s words to his brothers? (Genesis 45:5)
- Joseph kept confidence by relying on God’s providence
- Simply trusting in God means you are like Daniel
- Daniel was a man of principles
- He refused the kings food.
- He refused not to pray.
- God admires principles. (Psalm 15:1-5)
Outline #5 – Christian Repentance
- Why would a Christian need to repent?
- Christians can stray away
- Demas (2 Timothy 4:10)
- Simon the Sorcerer (Acts 8:13; 18-23)
- What is your reaction to sin?
- Do you deny it?
- Do you try to cover it up?
- Do you justify it?
- Do you take responsibility?
- You must live a life of action
- “Faith without works is dead.”
- You are salt and light
- Christian’s Change
- They change as they grow
- Psalm 51
Outline #6 – “Lord I believe. Help my unbelief.” (Mark 9:34)
- The situation: the disciples were not able to cast out a spirit of a boy, so the Father appealed to Jesus.
- “Lord, I believe. Help my unbelief.”
- Note the verse is not a contradiction.
- It may be better rendered, “Lord, I believe. Help my unfaithfulness.”
- Do you believe but lack faith?
- Are you in need of an increase of faith?
- The father had belief, but he needed more faith.
- How can you increase your faith?
- Romans 10:17
- Start now. (Matthew 4:18-20)
- Attend uplifting events. (Hebrews 10:24-25)
- Find contentment and joy in God. (Philippians 4)
- When in doubt, pray. (1 Thessalonians 5:17)
Remember to use these outlines are a guide for further study.
Check back next Wednesday for a few more outlines.
Just my thoughts,