A Father’s Day Story


A few years ago, I ran across this brief story and found it moving and making a great point each person can understand. I cannot remember where I first heard the story, but it concreted itself in my mind. I have used variations of it before and every time someone comes up after the lesson to thank me for the illustration. I tell them it is not mine and I am sure the original author would appreciate it.

The link below is to a version of the story.

A gentleman was flying on an airplane when the plane ran into some turbulence. At first, no one was too alarmed, thinking that the rough patch would soon be past. However, the plane continued to be rocked and swayed by the powerful currents all around it. As the man looked around at the other passengers, he could see the fear rising in the eyes of those closest to him. The plane continued to dip and roll with the unstable environment it was flying in.

All of a sudden, this man’s eyes fell on a young girl who seemed to be all alone with no adult near her. He watched her as she sat reading her book during the frightening journey. She would look down at her book and then raise her head and close her eyes. After a few moments, she would look back down at the book again. She repeated this pattern throughout the turbulence. What struck the man observing her was the little girl’s calm demeanor while those much older than she were visibly shaken.

The plane landed safely on the tarmac some time later. The passengers were grateful to be on solid ground again. The gentleman decided to let everyone else in the plane disembark as he stayed behind to talk to the young girl. He smiled as he approached her, still sitting calmly in her seat.
“I have a question,” he said to her.

“I was wondering how you were able to stay so calm during the turbulence we went through in the air when so many adults were afraid.”

The little girl looked up at the man and said simply,

“My daddy is the pilot of this airplane. He told me he was taking me home.”

(Source: http://esengoministries.blogspot.com/2009/09/pilot.html)


Hope this stirs your mind for this coming Father’s day.

Just my thoughts,

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