A Bible Handling Code
Everyday many American display the flag of the Unites States of America outside of their home (weather permitting). They are proud of our country, even though she is not perfect. They are proud of the freedom in this country; for speech, for religion and for life. Without this country, many places in the world would not see relief or security.
Several years ago, it was time to replace the flag outside of our house. The same flag has flown for seven years and it was starting to fade. The colors are not as bright as they used to be and the constant wear can be clearly seen. With respect to this flag, it was time for a replacement. While unpacking the new flag, I was reminded of the guidelines for handling the flag of the United States of America. Some of the points you already know are listed below:
- The flag should never touch anything beneath it.
- The flag is displayed only from sunrise to sunset. (except for constant illumination)
- The flag should be raised briskly and lowered ceremoniously.
- The flag should not be displayed on inclement weather days.
For the entire flag code you may read it here: http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/4/chapter-1
While preparing my new flag for display outside of our home, I wondered about how Christians handle the Bible.
Do we handle the flag of the United States of America better than we handle the Word of the Almighty God?
What would a “handling code for the Bible” look like?
- Your Bible should not be left in the pew where it may be forgotten during the week.
- Your Bible should not be placed on the floor, lest it become dirty, stepped on or disrespected.
- Your Bible shall not be kept on your car’s rear window shelf, lest it receive a sunburn.
- Your Bible should be handled gracefully and respectfully at each holding.
- Your Bible should be opened gently as its pages contain eternal truths.
- Your Bible should be read at sunrise and at sunset.
What else would you add?
Just my thoughts,