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“You Can Do It” Video Class – Lesson #2

“You Can Do It” Video Class – Lesson #2

Read First - Have You Watched Lesson #1

Before you watch this class, be sure you have watched Lesson #1. You can watch Lesson #1 by clicking here.

What Will You Learn in This Book?

Remember, this video class was put together to assist you. You will be the one to put forth the effort to achieve your successes.

First, you will learn to figure out which goals to set. Believe it or not, the goals you select do have an impact on the success you achieve.

Many people fail to achieve the kind of results they’re looking for because they set their eyes and their minds on the wrong set of goals. Those goals may be perfect for other people, but it’s not right for them. Try as hard as they might, nothing seems to work. And it can be traced to the fact that they picked the wrong goals to set.

Second, you’re going to learn how to set more effective goals by incorporating discipline-building elements. Many people set goals that take all available willpower they may bring to the table. In other words, there’s no built-in incentive or self-sustaining system in the goals. The goals just take, take and take.

It doesn’t take a scientist to figure out that with energy-sucking goals, it’s too easy to hit a wall. It’s too easy to think you’re trying so hard and putting in so much time and effort and nothing seems to work. When you find yourself in that space, it’s not that difficult to start believing that you’re just not cut out for success. It’s very easy to get discouraged, and eventually, you give up.

As you probably already know, the only way to fail at anything in life is to quit. That’s precisely what you’re setting yourself up for if you don’t know how to set up goals to be self-sustaining. At the very least, they must be self-sustaining in terms of your discipline.

Third, you will learn how to use daily rituals to fine tune and achieve your goals. You must understand that people are what they consistently do. People can talk a good game, other people might have all sorts of mistaken notions about them, however, their real character boils down to what they consistently do. In other words, it’s all about their rituals.

Whether you realize it or not, you already have a set of rituals. You may not be aware of them, but they exist. What if I told you that you could be achieving more with your life if you only chose to be a little bit more conscious of the rituals you engage in? These rituals have a direct and immediate impact on your performance on many different levels. At the very least, they can help or slow down the achievement of your goals.

Another thing you will learn involves measuring success. Many people sabotage themselves because they choose to measure their success in the wrong way. It’s okay to measure your success in terms of ultimate measurements. For example, if you’re just starting a business, it’s okay to think from time to time about the millions of dollars you could be making. However, if you choose to only use ultimate measurements of success, you are just setting yourself up to lose your drive, motivation and passion in the here and now. Don’t be surprised if you get so discouraged and demotivated that you just give up. Sadly, people do this all the time.

Finally, you will learn about the signals you need to pay attention to that will clear you to scale up. Understand that if you want to achieve any kind of success, you cannot stay at the same level. You might be doing things really well at that level, people might talk highly of you, but if you stay at that level and you allow your comfort zone to define what is possible for you, you’re going to get stuck.

You might have started the process with all these hopes and dreams and grand visions, but let me tell you, they will remain stuck in your head. Your waking reality is not going to measure up because you refuse to scale up. In this short book, you will see this clearly. More precisely, you will learn detect the signals that would enable you to scale up.

Are you ready to begin?…

Let’s dive in!

I hope you enjoyed the second video lesson. Remember, you can go back and watch these lessons whenever you like.

I look forward to seeing your success.

Just some thoughts,

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