Greed and a Father’s Wisdom
Even though Father’s Day is over, the wisdom of our fathers can bring us knowledge every day. It does not need to be a special day to appreciate the wisdom of our father.
You may remember Lee Iacocca from his famous statement, “If you can find a better car, but it” or from the great turnaround of the Chrysler Corporation in the 1980s.
Lee Iacocca had a well-known career in the auto industry. While he may be best known for the Chrysler turnaround to one of the biggest car companies of the 1980s, he is also known for his development in the Ford Mustang. Over the course of his career in the auto industry, his net worth has grown to over $100 million.
Even with great business success and great wealth, he never forgot the wisdom his father gave him concerning greed: “Be careful about money. When you have five thousand, you’ll want ten. And when you have ten, you’ll want twenty.” Lee Iacocca wrote, “He was right. No matter what you have, it’s never enough.” (Iacocca, Lee Iacocca, 1986, p.155)
When I read this I was reminded of the words of Jesus in Luke 12.15, ““Take care, and be on your guard against all covetousness, for one’s life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions.”
As Christians, we understand the things we see in this world are temporary and the things we do not see are eternal (2 Corinthians 4.18). The world, and Satan, has a way to tempt us with the things that we see, feel, and enjoy (1 John 2.15-17) but we must remember that life is not in earthly possessions. Life is in Christ. (John 14.6)
Just some thoughts,