My Sunday Hopes

My Sunday Hopes

I hope every member considers one another this morning. There will be someone at services who has had a horrible week and will not tell anyone. They will put on a face of joy, but deep down their heart breaks. I wonder if they will ask their spiritual family to pray for them. (Hebrews 3:13)

I hope someone gets a fresh start this morning. Someone needs a fresh start and Christ provides that in baptism. His blood cleanses each one from sin and allows them to begin as a new person in Christ. (Romans 6)

I hope each member welcomes visitors into our assemblies. It is hard enough visiting, but it can be made harder when no one speaks to you. May our brethren stretch forth their hands to welcome those who visit.

I hope each member understands the brief sermon is presented after countless hours of thoughts, prayers and study. Even though it is over in 30 minutes, the knowledge it contains will reach to eternity.

I hope every minister knows they are loved. Whether it be the outpouring from the brethren or the encouraging words of a visitor, I hope each minister knows God cares for them and will always watch over them.

I hope to see my brethren in services, but if not, I hope they reach out to the ones who are absent; a card, note or call is an uplifting message to those who cannot make it to services.

I hope you have a God-filled day!

Just some thoughts,