Have you ever thrown a pebble into a pond and watched the ripples?
One small drop in the water’s pristine surface causes waves that get larger and reach farther as they move across the water.
This ripple effect is like your impact.
You may not think you make a difference or affect people, but what you do ripples out from your actions. Your actions will touch the lives of a few people, who have their impact on the lives of others, and the process will continue.
In each area of our lives, we have opportunities to make an impact of others. Our impact will be like those ripples which continue for a long time. Many times, it might be the “little things” that have the biggest ripples effect in the lives of others.
It is important to remember that the ripples can continue beyond our first actions. Each ripple may continue to go on without ever knowing the results of one simple act.
Below are four areas to think about when considering how your impact can create the ripple effect.
What are the ways the ripple effect can influence your family?
How can you create ripples with your family?
Doing small activities with your family members strengthens the bond and creates habits that influence each member of your family. For instance, taking your child on a parent-child date can affect future generations as your child grows. They might pass on that tradition because they found value in building that relationship.
Sometimes it can be as simple as turning off technology and playing a board game. Creating conversation with your family members is more valuable than achieving a high score or a game. Maybe it is as simple as finding a project to work on together. Taking time, whether quality time or quantity time, is a must have in today’s world. Building those family relationships is vital to future generations.
What are the ways you are creating the ripple effect in your business?
Whether you are a small business owner or an employee, there is a ripple effect.
How can you create ripples in your business?
First, you can create opportunities to give compliments to your staff or co-workers. A good rule to remember is to compliment more than you criticize. One simple action you can take today could be to leave anonymous notes on their desk highlighting something positive that you have noticed about their performance.
When you lift someone’s spirits and make them feel valuable, you can affect their attitude at work. This encouragement at work can have the ripple effect on how they feel when they arrive home after a full day.
How is your ripple effect influencing your community?
You may not think about the community aspect of the ripple effect, but it is a valuable influence on the world.
You might be a mentor to someone in your community or in a local school. Being a mentor is a way to cause a ripple effect. Pouring your energy into a child or a young family who could use your guidance can change not only their lives but the lives of their children as well. You can be the reason they find solutions to their puzzles that otherwise would not have happened without your support.
How is the ripple effect you possess working for your church family?
You might not think of the power of a ripple effect in your church family, but it makes a big difference. When you are even attending services, people notice. When your pew is empty, people notice.
Maybe you are a Bible class teacher. If so, the ripple effect is a powerful influence because you are teaching young people who will teach others down the road. Your time with children each week will have an everlasting impact.
While you might read about these four areas of influence, you might feel the world is too big and too broad to make a difference, but that is not the case. Consider this for a moment – just a little invested money grows exponentially with compound interest, your small investment in someone else’s life will yield significant returns.
What small gestures can you make to cause a ripple in the lives of others?
A tip and a note of appreciation for the waiter or waitress at a restaurant?
A note of appreciation to your child’s teacher?
Baked goods for your neighbor?
Do something small and watch the ripples grow wider and wider.
Allow me to offer you 51 ways you can create ripples through simple actions.
- Do it! (Decide to create a ripple and do it. Start today.
- Stop complaining.
- Serve someone less fortunate.
- Collect quotes and use them for motivation.
- Volunteer.
- Mentor a child or a young family.
- Do something without looking for personal glory.
- Turn off the news.
- Get rid of the stuff in your home (6-month
- Make cookies for a neighbor.
- Organize a neighborhood cookout.
- Send one encouraging card a day.
- Write a note and do not sign it.
- Cut a neighbor’s yard.
- Rake someone else’s leaves.
- Offer to babysit for a young couple.
- Stop checking email.
- Attend church services.
- Assist someone by carrying groceries to their car.
- Put the buggy back at a supermarket.
- Buy your wife flowers or your husband a box of chocolate.
- Take your children to breakfast before school.
- Send your parents a thank you note for raising you.
- Buy someone’s dessert in a restaurant.
- Leave a large tip.
- Paint a picture and hang it in the living room.
- Grow a garden and share your vegetables with others.
- Plant flowers.
- Bake a cake with your children and deliver it to the elderly.
- Take a walk and think.
- Let someone in your lane in traffic.
- Turn off the radio while driving and listen to the wind.
- Read a book about something you disagree with.
- Print photos you have taken and make a photo collage.
- Write “your
- Learn a new hobby.
- Fast for a day.
- Clean your closet out and donate your clothes to the homeless.
- Plant a tree.
- Giveaway some extra jewelry you have to a single mother.
- Call your parents and tell them “Thank You.”
- Volunteer to speak at school regarding your profession or hobby.
- Donate your used cell phone to a woman’s shelter or a soldier overseas.
- Pay for a couple to attend a marriage retreat. (Do so anonymously.
- Take off work early and spend time with your family.
- Write a letter to a missionary and tell them you are praying for them.
- Smile.
- Donate school supplies to children in need.
- Send a widow some flowers.
- Read one book a month.
- Begin journaling.
- Turn off your computer for a day and get out of the chair.
Will you start today?
What simple action will begin creating ripples?
To your success,

Change Starts with You
Change is a word that many people fear. However, change is necessary to growth and opportunity.
Beginning to create change and make a difference starts with one person and their behavior… You!
The knowledge that one person’s behavior is able to create change and make a difference in other’s lives may feel both overwhelming and empowering. However, while it might seem overwhelming and empowering, you must remember this is part of the process of growth and opportunity.
On one hand, putting focus on yourself can feel more comfortable than believing the entire world must change for something great to happen. On the other hand, it can feel like an immense mountain to climb all by yourself.
You must remember not to lose heart while doing good.
If you are changing for the better, do not lose heart. It is rewarding to know the best way to create change in others and the world, is by changing yourself first. Creating change in yourself begins with personal responsibility.
Take note that being responsible for your actions is the beginning step on the road to influencing others.
When you change, others see a positive change, and the results that follow, they want to make a positive difference as well.
Here are some words found in the back of No More Mondays by Dan Miller (page 241) (Amazon Link) attributed as found on a tomb dated A.D. 1100 of an Anglican Bishop at Westminster Abbey:
When I was young and free, and my imagination had no limits,
I dreamed of changing the world.
As I grew older and wiser, I discovered the world would not change,
so I shortened my sights somewhat and
decided to change only my country.
But it, too, seemed immovable.
As I grew into my twilight years,
in one last desperate attempt,
I settled for changing only my family,
those closest to me, but alas,
they would have none of it.
And now as I lie on my deathbed, I suddenly realize:
If I had only changed myself first,
Then by example I would have changed my family.
From their inspiration and encouragement,
I would have been able to better my country and,
who knows, I may have changed the world.
People make their most significant impact in areas that mean the most to them. A child who struggled with not having enough food to eat growing up might grow to be an adult who works to end hunger. Someone who didn’t have access to education might spend their time promoting literacy.
Creating personal change makes a difference in life. Each one goes through personal trials, struggles and more. The ability to create change and take place, even in the storms of life. When tragedy strikes, there are usually two reactions people experience: (1) depression, or (2) an urge to make sure it doesn’t happen again.
People are different in the manner they handle situations. Two people can face the same situation and have radically different reactions. One person may fall into deep depression and retreat from life, and the other may use their issue as a starting point for making a difference.
Our desire is to create positive change in our lives so we can assist others in making positive chance in theirs.
There are as many unique ways to make a positive change in other’s lives. You can start to make a positive change by asking yourself a few questions:
- What is something about which you feel strongly?
- In what ways do you naturally give your time and your resources to help others?
- What are you gifting to others?
- In what areas of your character do you receive the most compliments?
- What events have happened in your life to create space for concern and empathy for others?
- What are the things you know how to do that can make life easier for others?
Beginning with these questions will start your thinking about what matters to you. They will help you also answer what personal and unique experiences you have had that can help you make an impact.
You can start with the answers to these questions to realize that you already have the tools to do something, somewhere, that will ripple forth and make a change for the better.
When you realize you have the tools and the experience, you can move forward with confidence that you can make an impact, and that no matter how insignificant you feel in the grand scheme of things, you are vital and very much needed.
So, what are you willing to change, positively to extend your impact to those around you?
Just some thoughts,

Before we begin, remember, “Everyone makes an impact.”
You make an impact. Remember that.
Whether or not you know it, you make an impact. Whether or not you are acting intentionally, you make an impact.
While it may be hard to believe, but you are affecting someone. Your actions, my actions, and the actions of others are influencing the world.
What you do matters in more ways than you may realize, and it matters to more people than you realize. Your efforts may create chaos or lead to grand achievements. What will matter to the results is whether or not you are being intentional with your actions.
Have you ever heard of the Butterfly Effect?
The Butterfly effect states that a small first action can cause a reaction of epic proportions. The example is that the simple movement of a butterfly’s wings over time can cause a wave that results in a hurricane. The Butterfly effect is an illustration of how important even the smallest of actions are in the grand scheme of the world.
As someone who lives every day, it is important for you to remember that you have an effect everywhere you go. You matter. You are important. Have you ever considered this?
Did you know that you have a sphere of influence?
Your sphere of influence is the people and places where you make the most impact. This sphere of influence would include your family, your close friends, your co-workers, your church family and anyone close to you. This sphere of influence is where your presence is felt the most.
With the concept of the Butterfly Effect and your Sphere of Influence, how are you making an impact?
Consider this:
- How you parent your children makes an impact.
- How you manage your marriage makes an impact.
- How you engage as a son, daughter, sister, or brother makes an impact.
- What you contribute to your career makes an impact.
- What you create makes an impact.
- Your wisdom makes an impact.
- How you vote makes an impact.
- How you spend your time and money makes an impact.
- How you pour yourself into others makes an impact.
If we sat down to make a list, would could keep going to hours, but I believe you are seeing the impact you have upon others.
Remember, in all that you do, you matter.
How you do things matters.
These things are tied together. While this might seem like an overwhelming responsibility, it isn’t too big when you break it down into manageable parts, in all the different areas of your life.
The most important thing right now is to realize is that you have influence and impact wherever you go. If you are intentional in your actions, you can leave your mark on this world in a favorable and meaningful way.
So, how are you being intentional today?
Remember, you matter.
Just some thoughts,

Every day I am amazed how far our influence in simple things can reach into the world. In a hurting world, our influence of a greater hope is needed more than ever in our lifetime. People are hurting. They are hurting physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. The effects of the Covid-19 virus, many people losing or changing jobs, the current lection crisis and the added bonus of a crazy news cycle has cause many to feel discouraged and disappointed. It is during this time that we, as Christians, can become a powerful influence on people.
The radio personality Paul Harvey once said that every day we influence 150 people directly and 450 people indirectly. To think that we have the ability to influence around 450 people each day is daunting, but a great opportunity. My amazement grows even more when I see how parent’s actions flow into the lives of their children. The influence we have on others, directly and indirectly, is significant, but the influence we have upon our children is most significant.
It makes me ask the question, “What are we teaching our children?’
I can assure you if you are not teaching your children, someone or something else is.
[bctt tweet=”I can assure you if you are not teaching your children, someone or something else is.” username=”PreachersPen”]
Our duty as parents should be the same duty the Israelites were given by God – to teach our children His word. At the end of life, it will not be the ballgames they played, or the performances they had, it will be the eternity they have gracefully gained.
Take Deuteronomy 6.4-8 as an example:
“Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God, the LORD is one. You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might. And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise. You shall bind them as a sign on your hand, and they shall be as frontlets between your eyes.” (Deuteronomy 6:4-8; ESV)
Did you notice the remarkable things in those verses?
First, the word of God must be in the hearts of the parents before they can teach them to the children. Remember, if you are not teaching your children, then someone or something is. You need to be aware of the influences in your child’s life. Children need to be actively taught from their home. It is not the job of the Bible School to teach your children; the teaching must begin first in the home.
Second, the parents were to teach the children the precepts of God everywhere: inside, outside, in private, in public, simply everywhere. Are parents teaching children the word of God today? This is where your influence, as a parent will matter the most. If your children and not seeing how the Word of God is active in your life, then they may not understand the power of Christianity.
Our influence reaches to our children, no matter what we do. Let us commit today to becoming the Christ-like example our children need, not necessarily the example they might want.
Just a thought,