Jonah: The Prophet of a Second Chance
From time to time, we might need a few study ideas to dig us deeper in the Word or maybe a minister needs an outline to begin their lesson for Sunday Morning. Today are a few starter outlines based on the book of Jonah. These are not complete outlines, but something to get you started.
Be sure to check back next Wednesday for more Sermon Starters.
Jonah: The Prophet of a Second Chance
Topic #1: Jonah’s Influence
- Jonah was influential in others lives due to God’s plan.
- He influenced those he did not plan to influence – the sailors.
- Who needs to find out your story?
Topic #2: Who are you prepared for?
- God prepared a fish for Jonah to straighten him out; did God ever prepare someone for you? Is God preparing you for someone?
- Jesus needed to go through Samaria (John 4)
- Philip was sent to the Ethiopian (Acts 8)
- John the Baptist prepared the way for Jesus
- God shut a door on Paul preparing him for someone else.
Topic #3: Repentance in Disgust
- In Jonah’s disgust he repented (changed heart) from the disgust of sin; do we find disgust in sin?
- Do we find repentance while in the mire of sin?
- Who pulls us out of the mire?
Topic #4: The Power of Simple Message
- Jonah’s message was simple: “40 days and Nineveh will be destroyed”
- The people responded to a simple message.
- What are the results of simplicity?
- Nineveh repented and responded to God.
Topic #5: Attitude of “Good Reason”
- Jonah 4.9 – Then God said to Jonah, “Do you have good reason to be angry about the plant?” And he said, “I have good reason to be angry, even to death.” (NASB)
- Did Jonah’s good reason question the Ninevites sincerity?
Enjoy the sermon starters and use them to glorify the Almighty God.
Just some thoughts,