June 5th, My Reflection on the World
Today, I write to you as one concerned with our nation, this turmoil and your life. To each one, take these words from a sincere heart and saddened eyes.
Today, I weep for our future. For 243 years, our country has seen fit to persevere through the difficult times and rejoice in the good. The rollercoaster ride of a fresh country has been seen by the world around us for each of those 243 years.
Today, our nation is in turmoil. Our nation has seen major cities turned into a looting free for all in the name of something which many will understand. Justice is not found in rioting, stealing and destroying; justice is found in truth.
Today, I weep for the Floyd family. They never thought a day like this would come. However, the only memory many will have of their family name is burning cities, riots and looting. I pray for their peace and comfort.
Today, I pray for the officers. Whether they knew what they were doing or not is not the discussion. The discussion is in ruined lives and a destroyed legacy for their families.
Today, I question the Christians who equate the riots with Jesus turning over the tables in the Temple. Jesus provided righteous judgement. He did not turn over the tables and steal their stuff. He removed the evil. The looters of today stole, destroyed and killed. To equate the two shows your ignorance.
Today, I wonder about the families of the looters who have children. You taught your children that stealing is fine. Shame on you. You taught them that rioting and destroying property is fine. Shame on you. “Vengeance is mine” saith the Lord.
Today, I consider all those who support the riots and the destruction who are my friends. Have you not heard of the Golden Rule? Have you not read the Good Book? Are you letting race, money and emotions cloud your view of eternity?
Today, I am disappointed in many. I have never unfriended and unfollowed so many. Some of you reading this are those. Some of you reading this may be some of those shortly, unless your attitude changes. Stop promoting hate and promote excellence.
Today, I am reminding that our saving grace is not a country, a President, a political party or a protest. Our saving grace is the One who provides the grace.
Today, I apologize. For my non-Christian friends who have seen my spiritual brothers and sisters act like spoiled brats and promoting wrong, accept my apologies. I know what you feel like sometimes. Please accept my apologies.
Today, I am sad this tragedy has been made about black vs white. To be clear, the death of George Floyd was wrong. It never should have happened. From all I have read, it was not a racially motivated murder. It was a murder that involved two people of different races. The riots are making this worse. When a business puts up a sign that says, “Black Owned Business” that only shows the problems even more.
Today, I wish people would speak up more about the unborn. Or even people like Tyrone Woods, Glen Doherty, Sean Smith, Christopher Stevens.
Today, I pray. Maybe you should too.
Today, I may lose you as a friend because of what I have written. It is ok. I dislike that, but sometimes it is best to break off an Earthly relationship and look forward to the heavenly one. I do not want to hinder you and I ask that you not hinder me.
Today, I will choose to rejoice in knowing that tomorrow is bright. The coming days are ones of hope, joy and forgiveness. Tomorrow may take a while, but this world is not my life. My life is greater than anything this world can offer.
Today, be blessed my friends.
Be blessed.
Just some thoughts,
(This was originally posted to Facebook)