#MondayMotivation and 5 Things I Learned from Last Week

#MondayMotivation and 5 Things I Learned from Last Week

It’s Monday again. Some love it; some hate it. Some enjoy starting their work week and others are ready to get it over with quickly. I guess it all depends on attitude, your view of work and the life you are living. I happen to enjoy Mondays for a variety of reasons. Monday are my day of reflection. Every week, I quickly reflect on last week and try to learn from the previous experiences. We learn from our experiences and in that education, we can share our wisdom with others. While we all make mistakes, it is learning from them where our wisdom begins.

Journaling Idea: If you journal, an idea for writing is to end every week writing what you learned and the wisdom you gained.

Five Things I Learned Last Week

1 – There are people with knowledge and there are people who think they have knowledge. There is a drastic difference between the two. You have probably heard the old adage, “They think they know so much, but they know very little.” It always helps to consider the person speaking to you and their experience. Today’s “you-have-to-hear-my-opinion” age should be remembered when everyone starts sharing their “knowledge.”

2 – For me, reading the Bible is better when I think. When I read the Bible, I try to get away from reading the chapters and verses and read about the situation. For instance, in the book of Esther, Haman built gallows 75 feet high. When you read this passage, you keep reading. However, take a moment and consider what 75-foot gallows look like. Think of how long it took to build them? Think outside the verse for a moment to the time period and the situation. The story of the gallows is amazing.

3 – There are people who listen to care and then there are people who do not care to listen; be the first group. Have you ever been speaking with someone and you can tell by the look in their eyes they already have their response ready? We all have and it is annoying. Do not be that person. Make it a point to listen to the other person’s words, clarify what they said and then develop your response. Fully listen to what the other person is saying before developing your response. The reason: sometimes what we think we hear is not what you should be hearing.

4 – Your past does not define you; your past enables you. Many people live in the past. Their focus is on high school, past sports or even a past success; but remember, those are in the past. What future are you creating? Your past is just that, your past. Your past should not define you because every day is a new day. While the past is part of our life, it should not be the defining factor. Use your past as an educational tool. Each of us should learn from our past, but not live in it.

5 – This quote says a lot, “Always do right. This will gratify some people and astonish the rest.’ —Mark Twain

What did you learn last week?

Monday Morning Motivation

Getting up on a Sunday morning and getting your family ready to attend services can be a reality show, even for the best families.  I love this story from Ken Davis regarding “Children fighting on the way to Church.” Sit back and laugh as you hear Ken’s story and see if you experienced it as well.

Have a great Monday!

Just some thoughts,

Monday Morning Laugh – Ricky Rigsby

Monday Morning Laugh – Ricky Rigsby

So, it’s Monday. Many parts of the country are under a hard freeze warning, while others are finally thawing out. One this Monday, whatever the conditions outside, are you working on the conditions on your inside?

Zig Ziglar is quoted as saying, “People often say that motivation doesn’t last. Well, neither does bathing – that’s why we recommend it daily.” Are you being motivated today?

The story of Rick Rigsby is a powerful one. If you have never heard of him, watch this and then do a little more research or watch a few more videos of his speeches.  HIs blend of wisdom, comedic style and stories makes his messages worth listening too. You will laugh and learn much in one simple video.


I hope you are having a great Monday.

Just some thoughts,

Monday Morning Laugh – Ricky Rigsby

Monday Morning Laugh

It’s Monday. You really do not want to get out of bed, but you must. Your feet hit the floor as your hand hits the alarm clock to finally turn it off after a few taps on the snooze button.  It is Monday.

However, you Monday does not need to be a bad one. Start the day by laughing a little to get your adrenaline flowing. One of the best ways is with the Monday Morning Laugh. Today’s Monday Morning Laugh features Tim Hawkins and a few thoughts on Christmas songs. Take a moment and enjoy.

Monday’s do not have to be all bad. Start the day laughing and renew your energy for a better day.

Just a thought,

Monday Morning Laugh – Ricky Rigsby

Monday Morning Laugh – Jeff Allen on Health Clubs

Monday mornings seem to be hard on many people. Monday’s are the day many people begin their workweek, send the children back to school and get back to the gym. Well, today is Monday.

Take a moment and watch or listen to this two-minute clip of Jeff Allen discuss health clubs. I find myself feeling pretty much the same.

Enjoy and start your day with a little laughter.

By the way, if you have never heard of Jeff Allen before, you can find out more at his website – https://www.jeffallencomedy.com/

Just some thoughts,


#MondayMotivation – Tim Hawkins Fun Funeral

#MondayMotivation – Tim Hawkins Fun Funeral

This morning I am still in recovery mode from CYC and looking forward to speaking at Faulkner University’s lectureship tomorrow. It has been a long week, but it has definitely been a blessed one. Monday’s are some of my busiest days and every now and then I need a small pick-me-up and I turn to some of my favorite comedians and speakers.

Today, I spent a few moments listening to one of, if not my favorite, comedians -Tim Hawkins. If you have not heard Tim Hawkins before, then you are in for a good time.


Just some thoughts,
