The Search for Truth

The Search for Truth

When Jesus spoke the memorable words, “you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free,” He was speaking to people searching for truth. The people of His day were searching for truth. The religious teachers of the day had elevated traditions over truth (Matthew 15.7-9). People wanted to know the truth. They did not want a variety of truth, but the only truth of God.

Do we want truth, or a variety of truth? We live in a time of variety. For instance, right before the pandemic, the average US food store stocked 33,000 different items. This was four times the choices offered in 1975. In the automotive industry, there were 605,000 different ways to configure or customize your vehicle and that does not include the varieties of color choices.

However, tough times changed due to supply chain turmoil, and we all adapted. Despite the frustration of not being able to get everything we wanted; consumers found greater contentment win fewer choices. In the Wall Street Journal, Ann Gasparro said, “The lesson that many companies are drawing from not being able to please everyone in the pandemic is that maybe they didn’t need to try so hard in the first place.” 

As Christians, we should focus on the simplicity of truth in the Bible over the varieties of what the world offers. Just as Jesus says, the “truth will set us free.” This truth of the Bible is the Word of God. (John 17.17) God gave us His Word to show us the right way to we can be complete and ready for every good work. (2 Timothy 3.16-17).

Are you seeking the truth?

Just a thought,

New Podcast – Life Maintenance from Jude 20

New Podcast – Life Maintenance from Jude 20

The Preacher’s Pen Podcast REBOOT!

The Preacher’s Pen Podcast is back. After a brief, 2 year hiatus, our podcast is back and ready to be an encouragement to you in your spiritual life. 

Today’s podcast discusses the first step in Spiritual Life Maintenance from Jude verse 20. Take a moment and listen to the podcast. 

Listening time: less that 10 minutes.


Preacher's Pen Podcast - August 18, 2020 - The Beginning of Spiritual Life Mainteance

by Christopher Gallagher | Preacher's Pen Podcast