Give Satan a Nail and It Will Not Be Pretty

Give Satan a Nail and It Will Not Be Pretty

While visiting in Haiti, Dale A. Hayes heard a Haitian minister illustrate to his congregation the need for total commitment to Christ.

The minister told of a man who wanted to sell his house for $2,000. Another man badly wanted the house but couldn’t afford the full price.

After much haggling, the owner agreed to sell the house for half the asking price with just one stipulation: he would retain ownership of one small nail protruding from just over the door.

After several years, the original owner wanted the house back, but the new owner was unwilling to sell. So, the first owner went out, found the carcass of a dead dog, and hung it from the single nail he still owned.

Soon the house became uninhabitable, and the family was forced to sell the house to the owner of the nail.

The Haitian minister’s conclusion: “If we leave the devil with even one small peg in our life, he will return to hang his rotting garbage on it, making it unfit for Christ’s habitation.”[1]

Question – How much have you given the devil?

Paul tells the Ephesians 4.27 to “give no opportunity to the devil.”

Have you given a place, no matter how small to the devil?

Even one small nail can make a difference.

Just a thought,

Signature File

The Gallagher Experiment

The Gallagher Experiment

This morning another aspect of the journey begins – The Gallagher Experiment.

The organized chaos which I create daily is brought to life through a few simple posts, photos and information on this page, but this experiment will take place on Instagram at

There will be articles, week summaries and posts on every Monday on this site, but if you will to follow the daily happenings, photos, tips, tricks and mistakes, feel free to go to Instagram and follow it there –


I am tired. Seriously. I am tired of knowing things and not putting them into daily practice. Over the past year I have read more on health, nutrition, life, business, history, productivity, creativity and of course, religion. Some of it has been good and others have been bad. Many of what I have read has become knowledge stored in the back of my brain without being used. The decision has been made to begin the process of putting this new knowledge to use in daily living.

Also, simply put, I am overweight from where I need to be. As far as I have seen in several blood tests, I am healthy and my levels are fine. The problem is, I need to lose some weight and get in better shape. (Round is not the shape I am talking about by the way.) Eating healthy has been a challenge, but it is not a challenge I cannot conquer if I put my mind to it.

Being a minister puts you in an interesting position because people want to feed you. A few years ago, I wrote an article entitled, “Why are Preachers Fat?” and found that many preachers face the same dilemma. Preachers are associated with food and feeding them is something that finds its way into a minister’s life. Add the sedentary lifestyle of study and you see the waistline of many preachers expand throughout time.

Beyond being overweight, I have knowledge that sits in my minds and wastes away. Over the years, countless books have made their way in and out of my library and several have sat there never to be read. Today, this changes. The decision has been made to take this knowledge and apply it to every aspect of life.

Knowledge is only good if it is used daily. As you already know, once you stop using knowledge is begins to deteriorate and finally disappear.

Add my family medical history to the mix and you have a trifecta of background information to start.

Is This Only Health?

Absolutely not. This experiment will encounter things beyond food. There will be trips, events and chances are, more chaos than first intended. Also, guaranteed to be known is the mistakes along the way. If we fail to learn from our mistakes, then we are destined to repeat them.

I am going to try some new things throughout this experiment. Some will end up successful and others might end up in the Gallagher Comedy Hall of Fame. So, just sit back and enjoy.

Why Now?

Why not now? As previously mentioned, over the past year I have been reading more on a variety of subjects and the knowledge sits in my mind. It is time to put it to use. Something I consider as well is the countless things I have learned while listening to podcasts. I am an audio-visual leaner. I must hear and see something to be able to begin to understand it. When I read a book, I must picture it in my mind as a movie, or a cartoon. Then I combine audio-visual learning with action, then the experiment of life takes place.

What is the Purpose?

My purpose is simple, to help others create a better life. I thought about keeping this experiment until I succeed, but what fun is that? Who wants to always read about the success of someone? Social Media (Facebook, Twitter and the like) have provided many unreal expectations of success. A few months back I read the story of a mother who said she thought she was a good mom until she got Facebook. Her house was clean and in order, her children were doing well and her marriage was thriving…then she got Facebook. She said she started seeing pictures of people posting pictures of their children doing amazing things and she saw her family in a different light. She saw families traveling all over the world and everyone seemed happy, but her life was happy too, just not as “amazing” as the others. She was hurt.

Social media has an effect on others. We see all the things people do and comparisons begin to take place. I have heard statements like, “I am not like them” or “I wish I could be like them.” This is where the problems exist. Here is my solution – STOP COMPARING YOURSELF TO OTHERS! You were created to be a blessing with your own gifts and talents. Start doing it!

This is my purpose – to show the good, the bad, the ugly and the chaotic.

What Can You Do?

First, go follow the Instagram page and watch the chaos ensue. Further, if you have questions, ask. Most people who know me know that I am an open book; sometimes too open.

Personal Disclaimer:

You already know this, but do not try this at home. Seriously, do not. I am crazy enough to try it on my own, and with the help of my family, but I would seriously think about some of the things. Do your own research and consult a doctor. I am not a doctor, nor do I play one on TV, the internet or have I stayed in a Holiday Inn Express.

OK, I am done for now. Stay tuned for more.

Just my thoughts,
