A Happiness That Lasts

A Happiness That Lasts

The Wall Street Journal reported on a study published in the December 2017 Journal of Happiness Studies and suggested “getting married is one of the best ways to cement a couple’s long-term happiness.”

Using research spanning the past two decades and more than 300,000 people, the study sought to discover if marriage causes happiness or if happy people are more likely to get married and stay that way.  The simple conclusion is “a close marital bond spurs long-term happiness.”

The Wall Street Journal reporter noted, “That level of commitment, formalized by a ritual and a legal document, may be one reason why the advantages of marriage trump those of just living together.”  The article was appropriately titled, “For Happiness That Lasts, Take Those Vows.”

The Bible speaks of the marriage commitment in Genesis 2.24, “Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh.” The commitment to the husband (man) and wife (woman) are to each other. Their unity is a oneness bound by God.  Mark 10.9 shows the firmness of the marriage bond with God’s actions, “What therefore God has joined together, let not man separate.”

While the marriage is joined through God’s actions, there are still actions involved in the lives of the husband and wife. Paul speaks of these two actions (love and submissiveness) in Ephesians 5.22-33.

The two components Paul mentions are shown to be as strong as Christ’s love for the church. The happiness that we have as Christians is based on long-term significance. Happiness in marriage is founded on the long-term commitment as well.

Just some thoughts,



Source: WJS, 1/27/18