The Beauty of Starting Over

The Beauty of Starting Over

Maybe it is an inherited trait or maybe it is as a result of my environment, but I enjoy starting over. I enjoy opening a new book, a new journal, and even watching a new television show. Each new thing is a new beginning. I love new beginnings.

This is the beginning of a new year. Most enjoy the moment of staring over and set different goals each year. Others will just continue on the same path they have for a while, traveling down the same road. While there is nothing wrong with either one, the question comes down to, “Are you getting better?”

Each day, we have the opportunity to get better. Some take advantage of this opportunity every day and other let the opportunity slide by without notice. I encourage you to be a person to take advantage of the moment.

What about the advantage you have in Christ? I typically call it an opportunity, but for a moment think of it as an advantage.  Here are a few of the advantages you have as a Christian:

  • The forgiveness of sins (Matthew 6.12-14; Luke 5.21-24; Acts 2.38; Acts 8.22)
  • The ability to live forever (John 3.15; John 6.47; Romans 2.7; Titus 1.2)
  • Prayer (Matthew 6.9-13; Acts 8.22; Ephesians 6.18; 1 Thessalonians 5.17)
  • Someone who cares (Matthew 11.28-30; 1 Peter 5.7)
  • Fellowship (Acts 2.42; 1 Corinthians 1.9; 2 Corinthians 13.14; 1 John 1.3-7)

Have you taken advantage of the benefits of Christ? More than that, are you taking advantage of the benefits in Christ?

Just a thought,

Signature File


Can One Person Make a Difference – The Power of One Series #6

Can One Person Make a Difference – The Power of One Series #6

The Short Answer – Yes!

One person can make a world of difference because the power of one is undeniable. When you look at history, you will see a long list of people who made a difference. These people may have launched a movement, challenge people to live better or made a small choice which caused others to do the same.

Today, social media has given everyone the ability to have a platform and reach countless others. It has never been easier for someone to create a platform for their unique voice, to start a movement, and to rally others behind your cause.

Here are some influencers who single-handedly changed their world:

Do you remember Rosa Parks? Rosa Parks took a stand against segregation and made her impact on the civil rights movement when she refused to give up her seat on a Montgomery, Alabama bus.

How about Nelson Mandela? Mr. Mandela was an unforgettable leader in the movement to end Apartheid in South Africa.

What of those individuals that changed your world?

What about that one teacher that took time and made a difference in your life?

How about your parents and grandparents who affected your life?

Maybe it was a friend, a preacher, a Bible class teacher, or a college professor?

I would imagine that you could speak of the difference-makers in your life, you would find that they all had something in common. I believe you would find that none of them thought of themselves as special, unique, or out of the ordinary. They might have been that to you, but when they see themselves, they see a normal person. They may not have intended to make such a difference in the beginning, but they did. They never felt what they did was anything anyone else would not do given the same options. I would imagine they would be humble and passionate about their interest and would share that they wanted to do their part to help.

This is where the actions of a person make a difference. When one person takes a stand and steps out because someone needs to, they do not know whether they will be successful, but they knew someone must do something.

When someone stepped out, it is not about betting on a guarantee. They decided on the action and it seems the path unfolds before them. As the path unfolds, the resources they need, the connections, and the story all come together as they progress forward in actions.

What started with one person’s actions becomes a community or tribe working together for the same cause.

We should never doubt the ability of one person to make a difference.

Everyone might notice the difference you make, or it might seem to go unnoticed. Either way, do not deny yourself the benefit of your impact.

I would encourage you to step out onto the path towards making your impact.

Remember, one person made a difference in your life. You can make a difference in someone else’s life.

To your success,Signature File


#MondayMotivation and 5 Things

#MondayMotivation and 5 Things

It’s Monday again.

It is raining, but the rain should never trouble us, but we should realize it is a blessing. Rain should not make us frown, but allow us to smile. Consider this picture and quote I say on the Law of Attractions Instagram.

lawofattraction, law of attraction

5 Things I Learned Last Week

1 – People need to be loved. When I reflect on the love of Christ, His love is overwhelming. Each of us needs to see people like Jesus saw people. Remember, Matthew 9.36 – “When he saw the crowds, he had compassion for them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd.” We need to see the world like Jesus.

2 – Some of the greatest preachers I know are not the most well-known. Across our brotherhood, there are well-known preachers who speak on every lectureship, youth event, etc. but some of the greatest I know are those no one really knows. Their hearts are wide-open and they work tirelessly for the gospel of Christ.

3 – Remember whose you are. Too many adults, not just young people, are faced the pressure to be someone they are not. This pressure lends itself to experiment with ways which are contrary to who we are as a being created by God. It is important to remember, not just who, but whose you are. You are created for a purpose, enjoy it.

4 – Family is Urgent! Sooner or later, most people learn a valuable lesson about family. However, not everyone will learn the lesson of the urgency of family. Many children will grow up to live the life of the words to “Cat’s in the Cradle” because of the actions they see in their parents. Christians need to make their family an urgent priority. Do not let your family slide, put them to the top.

5 – Sometimes it is better not to say anything at all. With that, I will leave this here.

So, what did you learn this week?


Each person needs a little bit of motivation every now and then to get through the day, the week, the month or even the year. So, here is your quick video to give you a quick laugh and some motivation today.

Just some thoughts,

#MondayMotivation and 5 Things

#MondayMotivation and 5 Things I Learned from Last Week

It is a chilly, rainy Monday around this area. Today looks to be a good day to settle down in some research or one of the many books on the “to read” list. Days like this are so relaxing. I never consider them gloomy, but a time to relax and review what is important.

Below are a few short thoughts help you keep moving on this Monday morning.

Journaling Idea: Write about your most productive day and learn what steps you took to make it the most productive day.

Five Things I Learned Last Week

1 – Relax – Some days it is good to relax and do nothing. It is good to take a break and spend some time in relaxation and refreshment. For you, this might mean stepping away from the computer, email or Facebook. It might mean turning on some relaxing music and just drinking a cup of coffee. Here is an article from the Mayo Clinic on relaxation techniques and the benefits. Read more here. By the way, have you ever noticed how much Jesus withdrew Himself to be alone?

2 – A simple card does wonders – For the past several years, our Sunday morning adult Bible class has been sending cards to people. Some of the recipients are members of our congregation and some are not. Some are local friends and some are distant. Some are people that most know, others are people have one or two know. Each week, I pass a card at the beginning of Bible class and it is passed along for everyone to sign. Doing this not only helps the receiver, but many in our congregation find encouragement in being able to encourage others. Who are you encouraging?

3 – Audiobooks are worth the price – Some of you might be ones who like a good hardcover book in your hands and others might like reading on a Kindle or other device, but there is something to be said regarding audiobooks. I have listened to several audiobooks over the years and recently I have discovered the audio narration option on a few of the Kindle books in my digital library.  With audiobooks, you can listen in your car, while you exercise, in your office and just about anywhere.

4 – More clothes than I need – Do you have a closest for of clothes? So do I. I probably have more clothes now that I have had in a long time. In fact, I probably have more stuff now than I have had in a long time.  Have you ever seen the “My 100 Thing Challenge”? It is an interesting read. I am not agreeing with everything, but there is a benefit in living simpler. Soon, I will be doing away with at least 50% of my clothes. Simpler should be better.

5 – Doing the same thing, gets the same results – I forget the old quote but the definition of insanity is said to be doing the same things over and over and expecting the same results.  As people, we like the comfortable an stable. We like doing the same things because they are comfortable. However, the same actions get the same results. If we want to grow, we need to step up our actions and thoughts and change the input to change the output.  Do not change for the sake of change, but change because it is necessary. (Personal Note: Some things do not need to changes, just our actions toward them. We might need to examine our hearts and mind, along with our motivation and purpose.)


There are people who need a little more motivation on a Monday. Here is a video from Michael Jr. I bet you have never thought of what it was like to be the younger brother of Jesus, but Michael Jr. did. Enjoy.

Just some thoughts,

#MondayMotivation and 5 Things

#MondayMotivation and 5 Things I Learned from Last Week

It’s Monday again. Some love it; some hate it. Some enjoy starting their work week and others are ready to get it over with quickly. I guess it all depends on attitude, your view of work and the life you are living. I happen to enjoy Mondays for a variety of reasons. Monday are my day of reflection. Every week, I quickly reflect on last week and try to learn from the previous experiences. We learn from our experiences and in that education, we can share our wisdom with others. While we all make mistakes, it is learning from them where our wisdom begins.

Journaling Idea: If you journal, an idea for writing is to end every week writing what you learned and the wisdom you gained.

Five Things I Learned Last Week

1 – There are people with knowledge and there are people who think they have knowledge. There is a drastic difference between the two. You have probably heard the old adage, “They think they know so much, but they know very little.” It always helps to consider the person speaking to you and their experience. Today’s “you-have-to-hear-my-opinion” age should be remembered when everyone starts sharing their “knowledge.”

2 – For me, reading the Bible is better when I think. When I read the Bible, I try to get away from reading the chapters and verses and read about the situation. For instance, in the book of Esther, Haman built gallows 75 feet high. When you read this passage, you keep reading. However, take a moment and consider what 75-foot gallows look like. Think of how long it took to build them? Think outside the verse for a moment to the time period and the situation. The story of the gallows is amazing.

3 – There are people who listen to care and then there are people who do not care to listen; be the first group. Have you ever been speaking with someone and you can tell by the look in their eyes they already have their response ready? We all have and it is annoying. Do not be that person. Make it a point to listen to the other person’s words, clarify what they said and then develop your response. Fully listen to what the other person is saying before developing your response. The reason: sometimes what we think we hear is not what you should be hearing.

4 – Your past does not define you; your past enables you. Many people live in the past. Their focus is on high school, past sports or even a past success; but remember, those are in the past. What future are you creating? Your past is just that, your past. Your past should not define you because every day is a new day. While the past is part of our life, it should not be the defining factor. Use your past as an educational tool. Each of us should learn from our past, but not live in it.

5 – This quote says a lot, “Always do right. This will gratify some people and astonish the rest.’ —Mark Twain

What did you learn last week?

Monday Morning Motivation

Getting up on a Sunday morning and getting your family ready to attend services can be a reality show, even for the best families.  I love this story from Ken Davis regarding “Children fighting on the way to Church.” Sit back and laugh as you hear Ken’s story and see if you experienced it as well.

Have a great Monday!

Just some thoughts,