#MondayMotivation and 5 Things I Learned from Last Week
It is a chilly, rainy Monday around this area. Today looks to be a good day to settle down in some research or one of the many books on the “to read” list. Days like this are so relaxing. I never consider them gloomy, but a time to relax and review what is important.
Below are a few short thoughts help you keep moving on this Monday morning.
Five Things I Learned Last Week
1 – Relax – Some days it is good to relax and do nothing. It is good to take a break and spend some time in relaxation and refreshment. For you, this might mean stepping away from the computer, email or Facebook. It might mean turning on some relaxing music and just drinking a cup of coffee. Here is an article from the Mayo Clinic on relaxation techniques and the benefits. Read more here. By the way, have you ever noticed how much Jesus withdrew Himself to be alone?
2 – A simple card does wonders – For the past several years, our Sunday morning adult Bible class has been sending cards to people. Some of the recipients are members of our congregation and some are not. Some are local friends and some are distant. Some are people that most know, others are people have one or two know. Each week, I pass a card at the beginning of Bible class and it is passed along for everyone to sign. Doing this not only helps the receiver, but many in our congregation find encouragement in being able to encourage others. Who are you encouraging?
3 – Audiobooks are worth the price – Some of you might be ones who like a good hardcover book in your hands and others might like reading on a Kindle or other device, but there is something to be said regarding audiobooks. I have listened to several audiobooks over the years and recently I have discovered the audio narration option on a few of the Kindle books in my digital library. With audiobooks, you can listen in your car, while you exercise, in your office and just about anywhere.
4 – More clothes than I need – Do you have a closest for of clothes? So do I. I probably have more clothes now that I have had in a long time. In fact, I probably have more stuff now than I have had in a long time. Have you ever seen the “My 100 Thing Challenge”? It is an interesting read. I am not agreeing with everything, but there is a benefit in living simpler. Soon, I will be doing away with at least 50% of my clothes. Simpler should be better.
5 – Doing the same thing, gets the same results – I forget the old quote but the definition of insanity is said to be doing the same things over and over and expecting the same results. As people, we like the comfortable an stable. We like doing the same things because they are comfortable. However, the same actions get the same results. If we want to grow, we need to step up our actions and thoughts and change the input to change the output. Do not change for the sake of change, but change because it is necessary. (Personal Note: Some things do not need to changes, just our actions toward them. We might need to examine our hearts and mind, along with our motivation and purpose.)
There are people who need a little more motivation on a Monday. Here is a video from Michael Jr. I bet you have never thought of what it was like to be the younger brother of Jesus, but Michael Jr. did. Enjoy.
Just some thoughts,