Driven by Choices

Driven by Choices

In the October 2018 issue of Mature Living, Zig Ziglar is quoted as saying, “For 24 years of my adult life, by choice, I weighed well over 200 pounds. I say ‘by choice’ because I have never accidentally eaten anything. I mean, it’s always been deliberate. And when I choose to eat too much today, I have chosen to weigh too much tomorrow.”

Our choices have consequences. When we make the choice, we also deal with the consequences of those decisions. Whether it is food, our faith, our work, or our faith, choices drive our life in various directions.

What choices have you made that influenced your life in a large way?

Have you considered the choices of the Bible and how they affect your life?

  • The apostles made the choice to follow Jesus’ word and stay in Jerusalem until the Holy Spirit came upon them. (Acts 1.8) As a result, the Day of Pentecost came upon them and over 3,000 people were added to the church (Acts 2.47).


  • God gave His only Son so the world could have the opportunity for everlasting life (John 3.16-17). The choice of God to have His Son bear the sins of the world (Isaiah 53.4,5,10) gave each of us hope for the future. Because of God gave His Son to die for our sins, we can live with God forever. (Ephesians 2.14)


  • The choice of Christ to suffer death on the cross despite the pain, agony, and humiliation (Matthew 26.39,42,44). He knew what the choice would be to become the perfect sacrifice for the sins of the world. (John 1.29) As a result, Christ tasted death for everyone (Hebrews 2.9) so we could live with Christ as He brought many sons to glory. (Hebrews 2.10).

The great choices of the Bible influence our lives today. They have brought to our lives the salvation of the gospel, God’s saving grace, and His everlasting mercy.

Are you thankful for those choices?

Just a thought,

Monday Motivational Thought – January 25, 2021

Monday Motivational Thought – January 25, 2021

Do you have an “Attitude of Gratitude?”

What does that really mean?

What can you do right now to develop an “Attitude of Gratitude?”

Matthew Henry once said, after being robbed late one night, “Let me be thankful, first, because I was never robbed before; second, because, although the thieves took my all, it was not much; and third, because it was I who was robbed, not I who robbed.”

Take a moment and write three things you are thankful for today. Put them in a place you can see them and look at them throughout the day.

Just some thoughts,

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