A B&W Photo Challenge – Day #4 – The Preacher’s Pen

A B&W Photo Challenge – Day #4 – The Preacher’s Pen

Continuing in the photo challenge, I will let you in on the quick history of the Preacher’s Pen website.The website has become a part of my ministry, my writing, and my life. This is just a small history of how it began.

Day #4 – The Preacher’s Pen

In 2003 I began writing online with various articles and random thoughts. The site was a simple site shared with family and friends through email. The majority of the articles were coming from a small weekly email I was sending out called “Small Talk.”  Along with the email “Small Talk” I was printing a newsletter edition every so often and sending it out through regular mail.

In the beginning, I had no idea what a “Blog” was; it sounded like a sickness more than a writing medium. As the articles were posted to the internet, the number of emails slowed down because people from all over the world could access the articles online.

Around mid-2006, after moving to South Carolina and changing the design of the website, the domain name preacherspen.org was purchased. From that moment; all ministry-type articles would be separated from others and posted strictly on the Preacher’s Pen.

Over the years, the site has changed several different times and have a varied amount of traffic throughout the world. Currently, I have taken a break from writing to work on some projects, but now, the writing is resuming at a slower pace.

From a small site to the site it is now, the Preacher’s Pen website continues to encourage others to create a better day today for a better life tomorrow, based on the teachings of Jesus Christ.

Just some thoughts,

A B&W Photo Challenge – Day #3 – The Journal

A B&W Photo Challenge – Day #3 – The Journal

As I continue through the “Seven Day Black and White Photo Challenge” I have found myself examing a few things I do and how to improve. One aspect of the photo challenge is to post photos relating to various aspects of your life that define your character. Today, I speak of journaling.

Day #3 – My Journal

I have written about journaling several times before, but this time it is a little shorter.  You can read some previous thoughts here: Some Thoughts on Journaling.

Thanks to the teaching of Jim Rohn, I have been keeping a journal for several years now and have experienced many benefits I never considered. Here is a YouTube link to Jim Rohn speaking on journaling.

I started keeping a journal after listening to Jim Rohn speak on the benefits of keeping a journal and realizing this could play a great part in my creative process. At first, journaling was something I had heard before but never followed through on the plan. I decided to purchase a journal and begin writing as much as I could. I tried writing in the morning and evening, but I found it best when I wrote as a thought hit.

My journal goes with me where I travel, and it has become something I refer to and see how my life is progressing.

I do not use my journal like a diary, but as a collection of thoughts, lesson notes, quotes, shopping lists, project planning and various writings. It is a catch-all for ideas, sketches, plans, and failures. There is a structure, and it is to collect thoughts on paper to review and meditate on at a later time.

My favorite part of journaling is the ability to look back on previous journals and see how I have progressed and matured in my thinking. Having a collection of ideas and thoughts aids in gauging your growth.

Do you journal?

Just some thoughts,

A B&W Photo Challenge – Day #2 – The Book

A B&W Photo Challenge – Day #2 – The Book

As Day #2 of the seven day black and white photo challenge continues, I thought I would share something that constantly changes my life. The more I learn, the less I know.

I know the rules of the Black and White Photo Challenge are to post a photo with no words, details, or information about the picture, but I have decided to change the rules. While a picture can tell a thousand words, explanations help to complete the story.

Day #2 – A Book for Life

I must confess something which several people already know – I graduated high school having never read a book. Throughout all the book reports, tests, term papers, etc., I escaped high school having never read a book. You can call it a reflection on the educational system or you can realize I figured out a way to make it happen. I never liked reading and could not find enjoyment thumbing my way through hundreds of pages for hours.

Then I read one book. It was my freshman year in college, and I decided to read a book. For whatever reason, I was going to make myself read. Within a few days, I had read my first book cover to cover. It was from those few disciplined days; I began reading more and more. I always read articles, magazines, etc., but books were different.

Today, the tradition of reading continues. I am usually reading 2 or 3 books at a time.

There is one book that changes my thinking every time I read it.

This book is the Bible.

It is a book of intrigue and challenge. Whether you have read it or not, it would do you well to spend some time in the Proverbs. These wise sayings apply to every aspect of life. From there, you might want to move to Matthew chapters 5-7 and discover the Sermon on the Mount.

Most people know of the Bible, but takes it words for granted. I would encourage you to spend a few minutes each day and open this book which has lasted thousands of years and see how it can change your life.

It will change you. Just give its words an opportunity.

Just some thoughts,