At a last installment of the Black and White Photo Challenge, I will make it simple. It is about Home.
Day #7 – Home
A home is not about brick and mortar; nor is it about the structure itself. It is about the people and the memories. The walls that hold up a house are just walls; it is the people inside who decorate them with pictures, paintings, drawings and more. It is not the stuff that makes a home, but the memories are hanging on those walls.
The house is a house, but the people make it a home. The people bring the house to life with their lives, words, and actions. Their creativity is seen in the design and the decoration. People are the life.
My family has lived in a variety of houses and each one we have made a home. Without them, no house would have been a home.
I enjoy the sounds of our home; the laughter, the jokes, the words of praise, the gripes, the whines and even the tears. Each moment grows our family closer together in our home.
When I am not at home, I miss home.
Home means family.
Just a thought,

Thomas Edison is credited with saying, “We often miss opportunity because it’s dressed in overalls and looks like work.” Work is something many people seek to avoid or dislike, but it is work that leads to opportunities.
Day #6 – Opportunities
Opportunities lead us to places were never thought we would go. They challenge us more and take us to levels we never thought we could achieve if we will take advantage of each one.
At an early age, my imagination ran wild and each day began a new opportunity. I found early that each opportunity was a moment in time to be grasped.
There will come a time, when the words, “I wish I would have..” will be words of regrets. While we are still alive, let us take advantage of the opportunities ahead.
Just a thought,

As I have progressed through the Black and White Photo Challenge, I have violated the rules and posted words along with each photo. Each photo tells a story, and the words draw out the story through clearer eyes.
Day #5 – The Road
One of Willie Nelson’s most loved songs is “On the Road Again.” Many people identify with that song because they travel along with Willie as his songs speak of his journey’s along the roads.
Over my short years, the road as represented many travels to many places; some planned, some not planned, but all were unique.
I can only think of one car I ever owned that never made it to 100,000 miles before it was sold. The problems started early with that poor car, but it could still tell a story.
My travels and miles have not been as far as most, but the stories are beyond imagination. I have been blessed to travel for speaking engagements, workshops, lectures, vacations and sometimes, just out on a long drive.
The road will always hold a special place.
What about you? What do the miles mean to you?
Just a thought,

Continuing in the photo challenge, I will let you in on the quick history of the Preacher’s Pen website.The website has become a part of my ministry, my writing, and my life. This is just a small history of how it began.
Day #4 – The Preacher’s Pen
In 2003 I began writing online with various articles and random thoughts. The site was a simple site shared with family and friends through email. The majority of the articles were coming from a small weekly email I was sending out called “Small Talk.” Along with the email “Small Talk” I was printing a newsletter edition every so often and sending it out through regular mail.
In the beginning, I had no idea what a “Blog” was; it sounded like a sickness more than a writing medium. As the articles were posted to the internet, the number of emails slowed down because people from all over the world could access the articles online.
Around mid-2006, after moving to South Carolina and changing the design of the website, the domain name was purchased. From that moment; all ministry-type articles would be separated from others and posted strictly on the Preacher’s Pen.
Over the years, the site has changed several different times and have a varied amount of traffic throughout the world. Currently, I have taken a break from writing to work on some projects, but now, the writing is resuming at a slower pace.
From a small site to the site it is now, the Preacher’s Pen website continues to encourage others to create a better day today for a better life tomorrow, based on the teachings of Jesus Christ.
Just some thoughts,

Several people have tagged me to post a black and white photo for seven days on Facebook describing some aspect of my life. While I typically pass on these things, this one does not sound to bad. Since I am going to write a small blurb to go along with the photo, I thought I go ahead and share these on the Preacher’s Pen website as well.
Day #1 – My Relationship with Coffee
Coffee is in my blood.
Several of my first memories involve my family sitting around and drinking a cup of coffee. It didn’t matter if it was a snowy West Virginia morning or if it was a blistering August day, there was always a cup of coffee to drink.
When I was younger, the thought of drinking coffee was pretty disgusting. I didn’t like the flavor, I didn’t like the taste; then in my college years I discovered the wonderful taste of coffee.
As a student at West Virginia University, I was walking about a mile and a half to campus everyday. During those times I would drink a cup of coffee on the way to class, then after class, make my way to the Student Center for another large cup of coffee. Those days began a habit which would last me for years. Even when I wasn’t drinking a cup of coffee, I still wanted one.
When I wasn’t living near campus, I was driving everyday from Bridgeport, WV and I would have a nice steaming cup of coffee along the way. After class, once again I found my way to the student center for another cup of coffee.
This continued to my travels at Freed-Hardeman University, where I actually burned out a Mr. Coffee 4 cup coffee maker. I called home one day and my mom asked me what I needed. I mentioned that I would really like a new coffee pot. A few days later, a new coffee pot arrived. This only made the matter worse because the next coffee pot was a 12-cup coffee maker.
Hence the relationship still continues.
Every morning I get up there’s a cup of coffee fixed by my beautiful wife.
I drink more coffee than most things these days. It may be a sign of getting older, but I happen to enjoy it.
There is more to coffee than caffeine and the aroma, there is an atmosphere about coffee. The atmosphere is a relaxed time with friends, family, co-workers or someone you want to get to know better. Hearing the words, “Want to grab a cup of coffee?” can take any stressful day and begin to make it better.
Coffee is pretty good.
Just my thoughts,