If you have grown up in any religious group, you have heard about the Pharisees.
In fact, I bet whenever you read the Bible and you see the word Pharisee you take a deep breathe.
The Pharisees were a very strict group of law holders who followed Jesus to test, trap and maybe learn from Him. The first two seem to task priority over the learning, but they still followed Him at various times in Jesus’ ministry.
Sunday morning, the lesson discussed a common passage familiar too many. The Pharisees encounter Jesus after he performs some healings. The Pharisees and scribes make an issue of The disciples not washing their hands to the tradition of teh elders.
The Pharisees were known to elevate the teachings of their traditions over the commands of God. As Jesus answers their question, He adds to the discussion and questions their teachings.
Today, Christians need to consider this encounter Jesus has with the Pharisees and look at our beliefs.
Have Christians elevated their traditions over the commands of God?
Have Christians today used their traditions as a basis to forget the teachings of Jesus?
It is definitely something to consider today.
Here is Sunday Morning’s Lesson powerpoint:
You may download a copy to use for your studies and lesson presentation. No attribution is necessary.
To download you can click on the small “paper looking” icon on the bottom right corner of the PowerPoint screen and choose “Download a Copy.”
Let us always strive to follow God over man.
Just some thoughts,

The God ordained institution of marriage can best be understood in the relationship of Christ and the church.
As the apostle Paul writes to the growing church in Ephesus, he show them that the marriage relationship in similar to the relationship of Christ and His church. Within this relationship, there is live, submission, respect and sacrifice. When a Christian understands the relation of Christ and the church, he is able to put the same pattern into his marriage.
There is a higher purpose to marriage beyond what this world tends to consider.
Below is a PowerPoint slideshow of the lesson. Through clicking the link, you are able to print a PDF copy of the lesson or download a copy.
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Just some thoughts,

One of the areas a Christian should be more active is in our worship to God. Sadly, many see worship as a box checked on Sunday morning as our Christian duty, instead of a blessing from the Almighty God. We need to worship, but we need to worship as God has asked.
This year, I will be focusing the lesson on the first Sunday of each month on worship. Below is a copy of Sunday’s lesson.
You can scroll through the lesson using the arrows on the slides or you may use the other options to download or make the presentation larger.
Just some thoughts,