The Key of Me

The Key of Me

Prayer is a powerful aspect of a follower of Jesus because it is the communication avenue with the Father. The spiritual armor of a Christian includes prayer. (Ephesians 6.18) Paul, in describing the full armor of God, tells us to pray at all times.

While we know about prayer, and we even recognize the need for daily prayer, for what are we praying? As our words leave our minds to reach God’s ears, what are we asking God to do? Or what words are we saying?

Patrick Morley took time to consider what he was praying. In examination of his words, he compared his prayer with the Model Prayer of Matthew 6.9-13. As he concluded his examination, he said, “I realized most of my prayers were prayed in the key of me. So I started praying all my prayers in the key of we. It is amazing how our prayers take flight when they soar on wings that include them.” (The Christian Man, Patrick Morley, 2019, page 103)

If you were to examine your prayer life, would you pray in the key of “me” or the key of “we?” When you take a moment and examine the Model Prayer of Matthew 6, what do you see? A quick examination of the words of Mathew 6.9-13 show the words, “our,” “us,” and “we.”

Even the prayer of Jesus as He was about to face crucifixion found His words focused on others. The words recorded in John 17 show the purpose of Jesus as He seeks to glorify God through His life, then He prays for the people around Him.

While there is nothing wrong with asking God to be with us, or sharing our wants and needs with the Father, are we praying for others as well?

Just some thoughts,

A Letter to My Family and Friends about Prayer

A Letter to My Family and Friends about Prayer

Family and Friends,

Good morning. I pray this letter finds you and your family doing well.

Today I write to you asking you, as my family and friends, to spend time in prayer each day for our country. The country we live in is undergoing some troublesome times, with possibly more on the way. This is not a political statement, nor is it a prophecy. It is something which has been on my mind for a while.

Throughout this year we have seen various trails and many high roads. The overshadowing factor of 2020 is the COVID-19 virus. This one virus has changed the way we interact and move through the world. It will be a change which will influence decisions for decades to come.

However, just because the COVID-19 virus changed things does not mean it was a troubling year. Religiously, churches were challenged to take on new roles and different assemblies. These new roles and assemblies meant the church would leave the building and find its way into the world. Assemblies arose in parking lots looking like the drive-in movies of old. While this was odd, everyone driving by that church building got to see the service firsthand.

Some congregations moved to online services. These services clogged the internet and broke a few servers along the way. Who knew that so many congregations would blast their messages for the entire world to see? Overnight preachers became internet evangelists like the old televangelists. People from all over the world could hear a message from any size congregation.

Much good arose from 2020, and we still see the influence of good across our nation. There is much to be thankful for today. We persevered even through the troublesome times.

Today, I ask you to pray.

Our nation is hurting. This holiday season, combined with the COVID-19 restrictions, along with emotions already running high, is at a boiling point. The rumblings of strikes and violence across the nation is saddening. The transition of the presidential election process is troubling. The distrust of others is heartbreaking because of selfishness.

Our nation needs to find its moorings. We need genuine people of God to lift this nation up in prayer.  We need God’s people to be the ones speaking. While the media covers the bad, let God’s people bring about the good. We need God’s people to speak up for the innocent, the unborn, the orphans, the elderly and the infirm.  We need them to have a voice. God’s people must use their voice.

This is not a call for loudness, but for your voice to be heard from the Almighty God. This is not a call for a protest, but a supplication before God. It is not a call or empty words, but words of action to the One who knows all.

Today, I ask you to pray.

Pray for your country to find peace.

Pray for your country to find unity in good things.

Pray that our country may realize that serving others, not destruction, is the right thing to do.

Pray for the election process. The results are not official yet. Our country is seeing political turmoil that will not be good, no matter who is in office.

Pray that God may heal our country, and the world, of the COVID-19 virus and heal those infected by it.

Pray for families to find healing and peace during these emotional times.

Pray and let God know what you need during this time.

We all need to be praying, daily, for our nation. We are not and have never been a perfect nation. Instead, we are an opportunistic nation. We have opportunities in our nation that most in the world would love to enjoy, yet we might take these things for granted.

Despite the freedoms in our nation, no one is totally free without truth. The truth we need to know is the truth of God. It is His words that makes use free. (See John 8.32 and John 17.17) His truth must be our guiding light so we can see through the darkness and journey to His marvelous light.

This is not a tomorrow type action. This is a today action.

I am challenging you to pray a minimum or 10 minutes a day for our country. Divide this up whoever you will, but I challenge you to put 10 minutes into a prayer for our country.

Our country needs your prayers.

Our country’s future needs your prayers.

Will you pray?

Just a thought,

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