#MondayMotivation and 5 Things

#MondayMotivation and 5 Things

It’s Monday again.

It is raining, but the rain should never trouble us, but we should realize it is a blessing. Rain should not make us frown, but allow us to smile. Consider this picture and quote I say on the Law of Attractions Instagram.

lawofattraction, law of attraction

5 Things I Learned Last Week

1 – People need to be loved. When I reflect on the love of Christ, His love is overwhelming. Each of us needs to see people like Jesus saw people. Remember, Matthew 9.36 – “When he saw the crowds, he had compassion for them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd.” We need to see the world like Jesus.

2 – Some of the greatest preachers I know are not the most well-known. Across our brotherhood, there are well-known preachers who speak on every lectureship, youth event, etc. but some of the greatest I know are those no one really knows. Their hearts are wide-open and they work tirelessly for the gospel of Christ.

3 – Remember whose you are. Too many adults, not just young people, are faced the pressure to be someone they are not. This pressure lends itself to experiment with ways which are contrary to who we are as a being created by God. It is important to remember, not just who, but whose you are. You are created for a purpose, enjoy it.

4 – Family is Urgent! Sooner or later, most people learn a valuable lesson about family. However, not everyone will learn the lesson of the urgency of family. Many children will grow up to live the life of the words to “Cat’s in the Cradle” because of the actions they see in their parents. Christians need to make their family an urgent priority. Do not let your family slide, put them to the top.

5 – Sometimes it is better not to say anything at all. With that, I will leave this here.

So, what did you learn this week?


Each person needs a little bit of motivation every now and then to get through the day, the week, the month or even the year. So, here is your quick video to give you a quick laugh and some motivation today.

Just some thoughts,