The Old, Worn Out Bible

The Old, Worn Out Bible

Do you remember the Bible of your grandparents? Maybe you remember the Bible of your parents? Do you remember their old, worn out Bible?

It does not matter if it was a $10 Bible from the General Store or from Walmart, but you remember that old, worn out Bible. Today, every Christian needs one of those old, worn out Bibles.

A worn-out Bible is a well-read, well-studied Bible. It has been read, studied, carried, shared and used.  A well-worn Bible usually lives in the home of a studied Christian. The hours of reading of the sacred text can be seen in the worn pages, the cracks in the cover and the break in the binding.

With the age of technology, we have been blessed with the ability to carry a Bible wherever we go. Instead of carrying a scroll, like the first century (Luke 4.17-20; Acts 8.28), we can carry all 66 books in different electronic forms.

The blessing of having the inspired word of God is something every Christian needs to appreciate daily.

How do you get a worn-out Bible?

You will get a worn-out Bible when you open it daily and use it. Reading through the Bible each year will break your Bible in but studying your Bible will begin to do much more. Studying your Bible will result in many pages being turned and pages being worn out.

The more you discover in the Bible, the more you will want to dig into its message.  You will find the Word of God to be living, active and piercing our souls and our minds (Hebrews 4.12).

So, what does your Bible look like?

Just some thoughts,

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