Hooked: A Book Review
Whether the world desires to believe it or not, casual sex is having powerful effects on the lives of thousands of teenagers. The effects are not only felt immediately, but linger for years in a person’s life. No book speaks to the effects of casual sex in the lives of teenagers and adults than “Hooked: New Science on How Casual Sex is Affecting Our Children.”
The research behind Hooked is staggering and powerful; from the immediate effects in the lives of teens, to the lasting effects into the lives of adults, to the quotes of real people on the choices they made, and last but not least, the statistics behind the facts.
The book begins with a discussion of popular culture and current thinking regarding casual sex before digging into the science and makeup of the brain. In simplistic terms, while adding the science terminology, the authors describe how the brain develops and how vital the chemical makeup of the brain is when making decisions.
The language is simple and the facts are powerful:
- “Another study had similar findings. It showed that adolescent females who being sexual activity at age 15-19 years will have, on average, more than seven voluntary sexual partners during their lives.”
- “In contrast, females who maintain their virginity until age twenty-one will have, on average, two sexual partners during their lives.”
- “Data also shows that delay of sexual intercourse for males also significantly reduces the number of lifetime partners.”
(Source: Hooked, electronic version, Chapter Four, Page 7 of 36)
Following the discussion of brain development, a discussion begins with “Baggage Claim” in chapter 4, “Thinking Long Term in chapter 5 and “The Pursuit of Happiness” in chapter 6 before giving the “Final Thoughts” in chapter 7. Each chapter is filled with information, research and statistics which blow your mind; such as:
- “Only one in fifty adolescents in the 1960’s was infected with a sexually transmitted disease. Today, one in four sexual active adolescents is infected.”
(Source: Hooked, electronic version, Chapter six, Page 13 of 36)
Who should read this book? Parents, counselors, ministers, youth ministers and others teaching youth moral principles.
In case you are wondering, this is not a Biblical book. It does not cover what the Bible says about sex, it covers the research and the effects of a casual sexual life. Its words are powerful, the research is eye opening and the material is valuable.
Give it a read today.
On a personal note, I would not by the electronic version. I bought the electronic version and wish I would have bought the hardcover. I would have worn out a highlighter and pen while reading this book. Get the hardcover and use the information.
Just my thoughts,
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