Stop Doing Church – Preacher’s Pen Podcast

Stop Doing Church – Preacher’s Pen Podcast

In this episode of the Preacher’s Pen Podcast, we discuss the beginning of out new series on “Stop Doing Church.”

Are you “doing church” or are you “being the church? There is a difference.

What is the difference in “doing church” and “being the church?” The difference is one is acting and one is living. One will simply act the part and the other will live as the church daily.

Which one are you?

You can find just the audio at or

The Preacher’s Pen and its efforts seek to assist others in creating a better day today for a better life tomorrow, based on the teachings of Jesus Christ.

The Audio Podcast

The Video Podcast from YouTube

Here are a few images of the podcast

Jehovah Shalom
Jehovah Shalom

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Friday Five – February 5, 2021 – Preacher’s Pen

Friday Five – February 5, 2021 – Preacher’s Pen

In this episode of the Preacher’s Pen, we discuss five simple things you can do to continue to create better days for a better life tomorrow.

#1 – Keep pressing on (Galatians 6.9)

#2 – Remember to help someone (Romans 15.1; Hebrews 3.13)

#3 – Stay on the right path (Proverbs 3.5,6)

#4 – Examine yourself (2 Corinthians 13.5)

#5 – Remember, God loves you. (John 3.16-17)

The Audio Podcast

You can find just the audio at or

Thanks you for watching the Friday Five on the Preacher’s Pen. 

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Wednesdays in the Word – February 3, 2021 – Preacher’s Pen VidCast

Wednesdays in the Word – February 3, 2021 – Preacher’s Pen VidCast

In this episode of Wednesday in the Word on the Preacher’s Pen, we discuss the parable of the sower found in Matthew 13.

The Parable of the Sower is unique because many will focus only on the seed, but today, let us turn our attention to the sower. Here are a few things to remember from the Parable of the Sower:

#1 – The Sower knew his responsibility.

#2 – The Sower had the right seed.

#3 – The Sower had his field.

#4 – The Sower never stopped sowing.


“Wednesdays in the Word” is a short video lesson on a passage of text to help us create better days today for a better life tomorrow, based on the teachings of Jesus Christ.

Download a PDF copy of the outline here

Thank you for checking out “Wednesday’s in the Word.”

Be sure to download a copy of the lesson for your personal study or a Bible class.

You can join us next week at 10:15 am (CST) for another edition of Wednesdays in the Word. Be sure to check out our other classes and videos on our website.

Thanks you again.

Just some thoughts,

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