Podcast – Jehovah Shalom

Podcast – Jehovah Shalom

In this edition of the Preacher’s Pen Video Podcast, we discuss Gideon, his words, and the term Jehovah Shalom – The Lord is Peace. This is not an exhaustive podcast, but one to plant the seed of thought of the Jehovah Shalom – The Lord of Peace.

While Christians may strive for peace, what steps are we taking to accomplish peace in our lives? Join us and see how you can become a person of peace.

You can find just the audio at http://www.preacherspenpodcast.com or http://www.anchor.fm/preacherspen

The Preacher’s Pen and its efforts seek to assist others in creating a better day today for a better life tomorrow, based on the teachings of Jesus Christ.

The Audio Podcast

The Video Podcast from YouTube

A downloadable PDF version or the outline is available below.

Jehovah Shalom
Jehovah Shalom

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Just some thoughts,

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