Bible Study Series 2023 – Luke 15 – Day #1

Bible Study Series 2023 – Luke 15 – Day #1

This week’s Bible Class is on the “chapter of parables”; Luke 15. As Luke shares the word of God, this chapter contains three parables of Jesus: the lost sheep, the lost coin and the lost son (the prodigal son).

There is much to discuss in each of these parables. Today we read through Luke 15. Throughout this week, try to read through Luke 15 each day and see how you grow in your Bible knowledge.

Be sure to join us for our other days as we dig deeper into Luke 15 this week. (January 23 – January 27, 2023).

The videos below are on YouTube and Rumble. You can choose whichever format you prefer. 

Thanks for taking part,

Signature File

The Bible Class on Rumble:

You can find more Preacher’s Pen videos on Rumble by clicking here.

The Bible Class on Youtube:

You can find more videos of the Preacher’s Pen on YouTube by clicking here.

Bible Study Series 2023 – Psalm 23 – Day #2

Bible Study Series 2023 – Psalm 23 – Day #2

Today’s study is about the TRUST we have in the Shepherd. If we want to have a relationship with the Shepherd, we need to Trust. Join us for a short study through Psalm 23 with emphasis on the word “trust.”

The videos below are on YouTube and Rumble. You can choose whichever format you prefer.

Thanks for taking part,

Signature File

The Bible Class on Rumble:

You can find more Preacher’s Pen videos on Rumble by clicking here.

The Bible Class on Youtube:

You can find more videos of the Preacher’s Pen on YouTube by clicking here.

Seven Habits of Effective Christians – -Preacher’s Pen Podcast

Seven Habits of Effective Christians – -Preacher’s Pen Podcast

In this episode of the Preacher’s Pen Podcast, we examine John 4 and Jesus’ discussion with the woman at the well. From this chapter let us examine seven (7) areas where we can develop habits to become effective Christians.
Habit #1 – Make Social Contacts
Habit #2 – Establish a Common Interest
Habit #3 – Peek an Interest of Spiritual Things
Habit #4 – Don’t Go Too Far, To Quick
Habit #5 – Do Not Condemn Unnecessarily
Habit #6 – Stick with the Main Issue
Habit #7 – Confront Directly
The Preacher’s Pen is dedicated to assisting others in creating a better day today for a better life tomorrow, based on the teachings of Jesus Christ.

You can find just the audio at or

The Preacher’s Pen and its efforts seek to assist others in creating a better day today for a better life tomorrow, based on the teachings of Jesus Christ.

The Audio Podcast

The Video Podcast from YouTube

A downloadable PDF version or the outline is available below.

Thank you for taking a moment to see our video podcast and our audio podcast. Be sure to subscribe to our podcast at

Just some thoughts,

Signature File

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Friday Five – February 5, 2021 – Preacher’s Pen

Friday Five – February 5, 2021 – Preacher’s Pen

In this episode of the Preacher’s Pen, we discuss five simple things you can do to continue to create better days for a better life tomorrow.

#1 – Keep pressing on (Galatians 6.9)

#2 – Remember to help someone (Romans 15.1; Hebrews 3.13)

#3 – Stay on the right path (Proverbs 3.5,6)

#4 – Examine yourself (2 Corinthians 13.5)

#5 – Remember, God loves you. (John 3.16-17)

The Audio Podcast

You can find just the audio at or

Thanks you for watching the Friday Five on the Preacher’s Pen. 

Just some thoughts,

Signature File

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